" Connexions is a rapidly growing collection of free scholarly materials and a powerful set of free software tools to help
- authors publish and collaborate
- instructors rapidly build and share custom courses
- learners explore the links among concepts, courses, and disciplines.
Our Content Commons contains small "knowledge chunks" we call modules that connect into courses. Thanks to a Creative Commons open license, anyone can take our materials, adapt them to meet their needs, and contribute them back to the Commons. And everyone is invited to participate!" (
Current Status
June 2006:
"Connexions is internationally focused, interdisciplinary, and grassroots organized. More than one million people from 157 countries are tapping into the 3238 modules and 161 courses developed by a worldwide community of authors in fields ranging from computer science to music and from mathematics to biodiversity. In addition to modules written in English, you can find modules written in Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, and Thai." (
More Information
Webcast 1
A Google Tech Talk Presentation, at
Webcast 2
Richard Baraniuk at TED 2006
Richard Baraniuk is a Rice University professor with a giant vision: to create a free, global online education system. In this presentation, he introduces Connexions, the open-access publishing system that's changing the landscape of education by providing free coursework and educational materials to everyone in the world.