Comparison of Organizational Forms
(Redirected from Comparison of Business Models)
How different Organizational Forms create, deliver, and capture Value.
Core Concepts (please reduce)
- Who owns the Means of Production?
- Who owns the Product?
- How are these limited resources Allocated?
- Can these material assets be bought and sold?
- How is Profit treated?
- How are Workers compensated?
- How are Investors compensated?
- Is Abundance good or bad?
- Is Automation good or bad?
- Is Work a goal to maximize or a hurdle to minimize?
- Can 'regular' money be used within the system?
- Does the system provide an 'alternate' currency?
- How does the latecomer gain his own stake?
- Can the organization arbitrarily refuse admittance?
- How are Public Works funded?
- How are collective decisions made?
- How does a willing Worker know what needs to be done?
- How is Freeriding avoided?
- How are borders between 'public' and 'personal' property established?
- Who or how do we decide what and how much to produce?
- How do we avoid the Tyranny of the Majority?
Various Approaches (please expand)
- Bicycle Sharing System
- Buying Club
- Capitalism
- City Government
- Club Goods
- Co-Creation
- Collaborative Consumption
- Collective
- Co-Production
- Common Security Clubs
- Commonism
- Communism
- Concurrent Estate
- Condominium
- Condop
- Consumers Cooperative
- Copyfarleft
- Crowdfunding
- Crowdsourcing
- Distributism
- Ecological Economics
- Economic Democracy
- Ecopyleft
- Ethical Economy
- Food Cooperative
- Fractional Ownership
- Give Away Economy
- Home Owners Association
- Intention Economy
- Movement
- Mutual Home Ownership
- Mutual Organization
- Neighborhood Renting and Loan Systems
- Neocommercialization
- Oekonux
- Open Capital
- Open Source Ecology
- P2P in Multi-Unit Housing
- Payer Grown
- Peer Production
- Peer Trust Network Project
- Peer-to-Peer Product-Service Systems
- Peerconomy
- Peoples Capitalism
- Product-Service System
- Property Left
- Public Private Property
- Republic
- Resource-based Economy
- Seikatsu Cooperatives
- Steady-State Economy
- United Diversity
- Use Communities
- User Owned
- Utilicontributism
- Worker Cooperative
- Worker Owned