Commons Lab

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= projects in Spain and Greece


= Laboratorio del Procomun, in Madrid, Spain


"The Commons Lab aims to structure a discourse and a series of actions and activities related to this concept. "Procomún" (Commons) is a new term that seeks to express a very old idea: that some assets belong to everyone and together they form a community of resources that should be actively protected and managed. That community consists of the things we inherit or create jointly and hope to leave to future generations. The Commons includes natural resources such as air, water, oceans, wildlife and deserts, as well as the Internet, radio-electric space, numbers, and medication. It also includes many social creations: libraries, parks, public spaces, scientific research, creative works, and the public knowledge we have accumulated over centuries.

The Commons Lab brings together people from various fields including philosophy, ecology, hacktivism, law, urban planning, art, journalism and economic policy. The first stage was carried out between June 2007 and February 2008, with conclusions written up by Antonio Lafuente in Laboratorio sin muros (Laboratory Without Walls). Afterward, several work groups were formed that meet periodically and work online to debate and plan actions that help to raise awareness about the value of various aspects of “the commons” and the dangers that threaten them." (


= "a place to research and produce Libre and Commons-based solutions that help everyone to cover their needs in a sustainable way".