Commons, State and Public Policy
* Special issue of 2024. Communs, État et Politiques Publiques.
"Appel à contributions pour la revue EnCommuns « Communs, État et Politiques Publiques »; Clôture : 15 novembre 2024. Dossier coordonné par Benjamin Coriat, Corinne Vercher-Chaptal, Fabienne Orsi et Sébastien Broca."
Benjamin Coriat et all, CFP Summer 2024:
(translated from the French by ChatGPT)
"When looking at "tangible" commons at the local level, it is now relatively common for municipalities, town halls, or local governments to partner with commons (often within SCICs) to revitalize various activities in areas affected by crises and deindustrialization. These coexistences and cooperations are not always easy, but they demonstrate a shared willingness to face challenges through new "public-commons partnerships," which are still often searching for the best ways to operate.
At a more central level, whether through "Calls for Commons" (such as from Ademe) or the multiple "Calls for Projects" launched by public authorities (e.g., through a "GIP Tiers Lieux" under the authority of four ministries), public authorities seem to want to rely on certain self-organized citizen initiatives to promote their growth but also, it must be noted, to try more or less explicitly to subordinate them to objectives defined outside of them.
It is time for these practices and experiments, which are numerous and often contrasting, to be the subject of public debate after analysis and investigation. It is in this context, rich with new opportunities but also carrying additional risks for the commons, that the EnCommuns journal is launching this call for contributions. The expected contributions aim to achieve the following two objectives:
Analyze the various public policies promoted towards commons or Tiers Lieux, to highlight their objectives, expected and obtained effects, and the engineering through which they are implemented; this includes both national initiatives and those deployed at the local level; case studies are welcome here;
Reflect on what a public policy should and could be to promote the deployment of commons. How and by whom should it be constructed? Through the implementation of what instruments? To achieve what objectives?"