Cognicist Manifesto

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Excerpted from [1]:


When in the course of recorded history an uncertain future threatens the well-being of the people it becomes necessary to resolve the beliefs that have confined us, to speak to the roots of our rising crises, and to plant the seeds of a new world together. In respect of our fellow minds we must define collective goals and provide for our collective well-being. We must not rely on the entrenched workings of leadership and power, but must determine our futures together collectively.

We hold these truths to be self-evident that all Minds emerge equally deserving of autonomy, security, and information. To secure these freedoms, bodies of collective decision making are instituted amongst minds, deriving their power from the autonomous minds therein. Whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new collective organizing its powers in such a form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their autonomy and well-being.

We deny the false assertions of truth that have been used to oppress and confound. Our collectively determined truth unites us against the forces of misinformation and access restriction. We deny the will of those who would restrict our autonomy not only as bodies, but as minds.

Regardless of the willingness of those with power to give us these things, We will fight to maintain our freedom to seek the truth collectively, organize collectively, maintain and secure our own physical and mental autonomy, and defend the autonomy of others.

Together we who think will create a new world.

We form this system of decentralized self-governance based on these foundational truths:

It is necessary for the Collective to form a new means of organization.

It is clear that the autonomy of all minds is not only threatened, but actively suppressed by societal structures.

it is necessary to resolve the narratives that restrict us.

It is necessary to form new systems based in a truth to which all minds can contribute.

It is clear that each mind regardless of context deserves autonomy, self direction, and social contact in the degree they prefer.

It is clear that each mind deserves to pursue material well-being at a level that allows for these other absolute requirements of a just world.

It is clear that all minds are their own entities within the collective.

It is clear that minds can share their experience, but never fully.

It is clear that to succeed in our struggle against the forces which destroy the freedom of those around us, or our own freedom, we must secure the autonomy of all minds.

In order to resolve these truths we declare 3 fundamental responsibilities of all Cognicist minds:

A Cognicist mind must not injure another mind, remove the autonomy of another mind, or through inaction allow harm to occur to another mind when at all possible.

A mind can and should protect their own existence and autonomy except where it conflicts with principle 1.

A mind must interact with others knowing that their contexts are invariably different, and must meet the other mind where they are, with an attempt at compassion and understanding, except where it conflicts with principle 1. Or 2.

With the differing contexts we share and the intersections of our experiences and challenges as Minds in this world, we are only able to hold ourselves to these limited principles. To have our own personal truths without recapitulating the suffering we create by othering minds outside our own sphere of identity, we must not only encourage, but fight for, the autonomy of other minds."
