Characteristics of P2P Networks as Organizations
This page is part of a collection designed to provide background information needed in order to established a Commons Based business that operates as a P2P network. This page is a work in progress.
This particular sections is dedicated to providing pointers to characteristics and principles of P2P. Together these characteristics comprise much of Protocol of a P2P network.
The approach here is to look at the attributes and their inter-relations while documenting and exploring how the attributes play between each other and at different scales within a P2P network that has a locus in an organization.
As an example of this let's look at transparency.
Transparency is related to a number of other top level areas including economics, governance, access, and ownership. By looking at the relationships in each of these areas we can uncover some of the ways that transparency works at scales like individual action within the network, at the networks edge, and collective transparency as an organization internally and at the edge, where the organization touches the public.
- Transparency
- Openness
- Peer Governance
- Easy In
- Ownership
- Commons-based
- Competitive strategy is satisficing
- Open Source. Use it, Make it, Share it, Extend it
- Decentralization
- Replicability - Rhizomatic
- Interlock 'with' instead of 'acquire'
- Alignment to members needs. Expand scope and expand membership. Spilt off rhizome and interconnect.
- Ethics
- Easy out - you can copy it all to keep the network; it takes a lot of skill, but it's possible
- Scale invariance