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= "BarCola – Node about Collaborative Economy and Commons Based Peer Production in Barcelona"
- To analyze and evaluate the situation of the commons-oriented model within the collaborative economy in the context of Barcelona.
- To map the collaborative economy cases and commons-oriented models within the context of Barcelona.
- To elaborate recommendations towards the planning of public policies in that field.
- To enhance the dialogue between the social and solidarity economy and commons oriented production.
Institutional frame:
Social and solidarian economy and proximity Commission (Barcelona City Council) – Jordi Via
Department of other economies and proximity Barcelona Activa – Alvaro Porro
Coordination of BarCola – Mayo Fuster Morell
BarCola participants
- Mara Ballestrini Fab Lab BCN
- Albert Cañigueral OuiShare
- Javier Creus Ideas for Change
- Xavier Dengra Amical Wikimedia
- Gemma Domenech Telecomunicacions i Societat de la Informació (Generalitat de Catalunya)
- Mayo Fuster IN3 · IGOPnet · P2PValue
- David Franquesa eReuse ·
- David Gómez Amical Wikimedia
- Lucía Hernández OuiShare
- Mercè Moreno Goteo
- Leandro Navarro eReuse · Pangea · · netCommons project
- Jordi Reynés Ateneus de Fabricació
- Ramon Roca
- Mercè Rua Holon
- Enric Senabre Dimmons
- Joan Subirats IGOP
- Wouter Tebbens Free Knowledge Institute · Digital DIY project
- Guillaume Teyssie Fabacademy
- Boyd Cohen EADA Business School