Andreas Exner
= researcher and activist around the natural Commons
"Andreas Exner, Klagenfurt, Austria, *1973. Academic studies in ecology, research of vegetation ecology, social work. Former militant activist within the ecology movement, former attac-activist, former member of the network for a basic income. Currently crossbench councelor in the chamber of labour for the Green and Independent Unionists in Kärnten ( Editor of "Streifzüge" ( and member of SINET ( Activist at,, Books: together with Lauk & Kulterer "The limits of capitalism. How we fail on growth" (Ueberreuter, 2008, in German); together with Rätz & Zenker: "Basic income. Social security without work" (Deuticke, 2007, in German). Main focus of activities: Resources and capital, Solidarity Economy; present in Facebook." (