3rd Free Culture Research Conference

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= October 8-9, Berlin, 2010 theme: Free Culture between Commons and Markets: Approaching the Hybrid Economy?

URL = http://wikis.fu-berlin.de/display/fcrc/Home


URL = http://wikis.fu-berlin.de/download/attachments/59080767/Dobusch-Quack-Paper.pdf

The general question we are addressing is: How do organizations in digital information economy manage the boundaries to related focal communities?

URL = http://wikis.fu-berlin.de/download/attachments/59080767/FusterMorell-Paper.pdf

Based on the case of online creation communities, the paper presents the two main models of commercial providers of infrastructure: corporate service model and mission enterprise model. It also presents an explanatory analysis of how the type of provider shape the community generated. The empirical analysis is based of a case study comparison of Flickr and Wikihow.

URL = http://wikis.fu-berlin.de/download/attachments/59080767/Strype-Paper.pdf

"In this paper, I investigate the ethics, principles, and activities of both geek and green communities of practice, and the practical and political issues they face. I hope to shed light on what the free culture and slow culture movements can learn from each other, and how they can work in synergy towards free, co-operative, and regenerative human cultures. In doing so, I hope to demonstrate why I believe there is a question of principle that is equally important to both camps. Which is more important way for humans to be free; free to know, or free to own?"

URL = http://wikis.fu-berlin.de/download/attachments/59080767/Tebbens-etal-Paper1.pdf

  • Paper: Productive Paradigms in the Digital Era. Ignacio de Castro Arribas. Contribution for the 3rd Free Culture Research Conference, 8 and 9 of October, 2010

URL = http://wikis.fu-berlin.de/download/attachments/59080767/Arribas-Paper.pdf

Excerpts: Hybridity_Between_Peer_Production_and_Firms

URL = http://wikis.fu-berlin.de/download/attachments/59080767/Troxler-Paper.pdf

"This paper examines how in commons-based peer-production of physical goods a hybrid, private-collective innovation ecology is developing. Using the Fab Lab community as the field of investigation, it collates three studies: a survey of Fab Lab business models, an interview study asking Fab Lab managers and assistants about the pain and pride of their Fab Lab, and a selection of cases describing innovation in Fab Lab projects.

  • File-Sharing as Social Practice. Do-It-Yourself Access to Knowledge and its Relation to the Formal and Informal Market. By Volker Ralf Grassmuck. Research Group on Public Policy for Access to Information (GPOPAI)2 at the University of São Paulo, for The 3rd Free Culture Research Conference. Free University Berlin, 8.-9. October 2010

URL = http://wikis.fu-berlin.de/download/attachments/59080767/Grassmuck-Paper.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1285065963000

Is P2P file-sharing responsible for the slump in recorded music sales or does it create demand?

  • How Open are Societies in the Virtual? Towards an Assessment of the Distribution of Power Between Users and Operators. By Holger M. Kienle, Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic et al.

URL = http://wikis.fu-berlin.de/download/attachments/59080767/Kienle-etal-Paper.pdf