Wild Politics
Susan Hawthorne:
"Wild politics embraces a philosophy which refuses co-option into patriarchal and capitalist institutions as outlined above. Wild politics is life affirming, values diversity, self-reliance, creativity, and the sustaining of cultural traditions that support equality. Wild politics is rooted in the earth and in knowledge of local conditions and environments. Wild politics encourage productivity that gives as much (or more) as it takes, and is not based on growth and accumulation. Wild politics is feminist and in keeping with the resistances of indigenous peoples, the poor and the marginalised. It resists coca-cola colonisation and accumulation, over consumption, fundamentalist and repressive ideologies, mass communications, the military and interference by international scientific, monetary and cultural elites. Wild politics is a politics of joy." (http://susanspoliticalblog.blogspot.com/2011/05/wild-politics-manifesto.html)
More Information
- Wild Politics Manifesto [1]