White Supremacy Culture Training

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= this training has been given to a multitude of NGOs and institutions in the US


See the graph at: https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/05/21.1n009.toxicwhiteness-2.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=1500

Susan Edelman et al. :

"City Department of Education brass are targeting a “white-supremacy culture” among school administrators — by disparaging ideas like “individualism,” “objectivity” and “worship of the written word,” The Post has learned.

A presentation slide obtained by The Post offers a bullet-point description of the systemic, supposedly pro-white favoritism that Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza claims must be eradicated from the DOE, and provides just one insight into his anti-bias training efforts.

The list — derived from “Dismantling Racism: A Workbook for Social Change Groups” by Kenneth Jones and Tema Okun — names more than a dozen hallmarks of “white-supremacy culture” that school administrators are expected to steer clear of.

“They include such dynamics as “paternalism,” a “sense of urgency” and “power hoarding,” according to the slide, which an insider said was part of mandatory training sponsored and funded by the department’s Office of Equity and Access and recently administered to principals, central office supervisors and superintendent teams.

The seminar is concurrent with Carranza’s larger push to root out “implicit bias” in the school system — an effort that some veteran DOE members blasted as creating a view of “toxic whiteness” detailed in a front-page story in Sunday’s Post.

“The training is not focused on white supremacy and white privilege,” Carranza said after a City Council budget hearing on Monday, referring to his larger campaign.

“It’s about what are our biases and how we work with them.”



National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) : “Some Aspects and Assumptions of White Culture in the United States

Erec Smith:

"The National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) infamously posted an infographic on its website, titled “Some Aspects and Assumptions of White Culture in the United States.” After many complaints, the museum took down the infographic, but a link to the infographic’s content is still on the site’s Resources page. Some of these “aspects and assumptions of white culture,” are identified accurately: the focus on European history in schools, the media’s presentation of white beauty as the aesthetic norm, and even the prevalence of Protestant Christianity as our de facto religion. However, other identified aspects are conducive, if not imperative, to happiness and success: hard work, punctuality, delayed gratification, science, planning for the future, etc. To be successful is to embrace most, if not all, of these qualities, but according to the NMAAHC and the infographic’s creators, such success tacitly promotes whiteness.

Again, there are many ways to be inadequately Black. However, achieving one’s goals typically involves an appreciation for most classical liberal values. Unfortunately, the very concept of a goal (i.e., a “plan for the future”), is deemed inherently white. Thus, reaching one’s goals and acquiring a modicum of success—especially if you are happy and fulfilled while doing it—is seen as disloyal to anti-racism. I mention this issue first because it may be the most damaging: If you are Black, successful, and happy, you are doing something wrong."
