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[1] is a P2P and B2B platform which features a unique community of over 7,000 nationwide agents (background check verified) who provide custom tasking, dynamic data capture, personalized report templates and more.

For example- you’d like to verify a pinball machine on an eBay listing prior to purchase….WeGoLook dispatches a “Looker” (background check verified) to the location of the pinball machine, videos a working demonstration, takes additional photos, makes observations, etc. Or perhaps, you need to verify storm or tenant damage at your rental property. Do you want to attend a seminar or listen to a key speaker but cannot attend? Dispatch a "Looker" to take notes on your behalf. Your Looker can also pick up items and verify them before delivering to a shipper. Frankly- there is almost no limit to the services provided.

WeGoLook tasking and reporting services work for all items, autos, properties, online dates.

Businesses utilize the flexible reporting templates for checking job site status, collateral assets, vehicle inspections and more. A few examples are occupancy verification reports, courthouse document retrieval and shipment, mass auto inspections, roof anchors, heavy equipment, pallet inspection prior to port transport and more.

What sets WeGoLook apart from other P2P platforms is our Customer Service, nationwide coverage and Looker qualifications. Customer Service is the “buffer” between Seller and Buyer or Seller and Customer which enables us to determine quickly what tasks or reporting needs to be performed while ensuring the quality of the task or reporting is completed. No one offers nationwide coverage like WeGoLook can....even remote areas are accessible. Our Looker database is largely comprised of recruited mobile notaries, process servers and field inspectors who take direction well and have professional tools and education.

There are so many examples of what we do…. Meet with an online date prior to someone traveling (to verify ID and take CURRENT photos/video) Submit requests in person and retrieve courthouse documents then ship Inspect autos prior to online purchase and transport Pick up/deliver/ship items/docs Verify online craigslist/classified ad items – ensuring no fraud or crime Provide “boots” and “eyes-on-the ground” for our customers- just whatever needs to be done…WeGoLook will do it!

Co-Founder [email protected]

WeGoLook is always open to working with affiliate partners and companies.