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Hi, I'm John Cassel.

I'm interested in looking at addressing whether or not our information use is serving our long-term goals well. To this end, I'm working on a project called ScenConnect ( aiming at filling in a role for scenario-situated collaborative scoring Peer to Peer Scenario Building

I am willing to help other projects and efforts to a certain degree. I have skills in

  • machine learning (particularly online, active, and reinforcement models; data stream mining; decision theoretic planning; neural networks, transductive approaches; visualization of streaming systems)
  • GIS and geospatial data analysis (particularly issues of geotemporal learning)
  • Programming skills (professional experience in Java and Lisp, good with algorithms and data structures, weak on web programming)
  • Writing
  • Software project management
  • I have a strong interest in culture studies and critical theory, and have a good feel for the history of computing.

I know the theoretical basics of P2P technology. I'm trying to catch up on the cultural theory, although I think I have a good feel for it. What I really don't have a feel for what is actually out there in terms of technology you can just boot up and have work.

If somebody could point me to a good roadmap for a decentralized technology stack, please take a look at a description of the ScenConnect project's current needs, found here: Peer to Peer Scenario Building . Thanks kindly.