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Brendan Miller is the Chief Technical Officer for 2Gather, an project seeking to build a new global digital commons based on self-sovereign identity and data, organized and supported by decentralized and democratically owned and controlled open source technologies.

Brendan is passionate about direct democracy, citizens assemblies and deliberative democracy, and wants to help create the digital tools to support a robust and practical global democracy.

He believes that in 5 to 10 years, decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs) will increasingly outcompete corporations and representative governments as the preferred way to organise human endeavors, because they solve collective action problems better. This will lead to a renaissance of the democratic commons, by restoring ownership and control to the people, and usher in new forms of global stewardship. (Read more about this at

He has been a professional full-stack web developer for the past seven years and serves as the Chief Technology Officer and Lead Developer for The Branding Farm, a digital creative agency working with clients like NBC Universal, Warner Brothers, Skechers and University of California, Los Angeles. Brendan is also a certified Ethereum Smart Contract Developer.

Previously, Brendan served as the Director of the Office of Science, Technology and Energy for the State of New Mexico Economic Development Department.

He is the co-founder of two previous businesses and has also worked in the non-profit sector.

He has a ScB in Mathematics–Computer Science from Brown University, an MBA from MIT and an MPA from Harvard University.

His LinkedIn profile can be found at