Universal Food Coverage
= policy proposal to establish a food commons, akin to the Universal Health Coverage
Jose Luis Vivero Pol:
"Purchasing power cannot be the barrier that deters poor people to get access to such an essential resource for human bodies. A Universal Food Coverage should be established as part of the social welfare state."
More Information
- The Conversation, https://theconversation.com/staying-alive-shouldnt-depend-on-your-purchasing-power-20807
- The UN University Blog, http://ourworld.unu.edu/en/why-food-should-be-a-commons-not-a-commodity
- Article: The Food Commons Transition. Collective actions for food security. Jose Luis Vivero Pol.
URL =http://thebrokeronline.eu/Articles/The-food-commons-transition http://thebrokeronline.eu/Articles/The-food-commons-transition
"Treating food as a purely private good is denying millions of people access to this basic resource. Food should therefore be seen as a commons or public good. It could then be produced and distributed more effectively by a governance system combining market rules, public regulations and collective actions. Banning food speculation, building a binding food treaty outside WTO and a Universal Food Coverage are amongst the concrete actions that could be triggered by this alternative narrative."