Talk:P2P in Multi-Unit Housing

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Dante says :

Very nice.

For me no doubt that mode of ownership has influence on governance and on relational dynamics.

Want to create a new page with various options for ownership of individual residents ?

How to call such page ?

To avoid too much complications, I would suggest that all residents of one unit ( a building ) opt for the same mode of ownership, and preferably, all residents of one street ( or blok ) being part of a meta cooperative which has a similar mode of ownership ( such as "usership" )

But I imagine that "private property" of individual flats could be imagined, although in my case not preferred.

My personal preference is to enable usership ( ownership of the right to use ), and make it such that such shares loose value ( demurrage on shares ) in case of a non use of the resource ( in case it is kept empty.)

I also imagine that the house cooperative ( or whatever structure / legal statute it takes ) , or the meta cooperative can enable, through its system of governance, an attribution of non used resources ( when people are not in their flats ),

or even, through modulable housing units, open up the units for the creation of commons within the building space, reducing the "demurrage" on teh shares of the resident when s/he is not there.


I also imagine another page for options for different combinations of individual resident ownership ( which can include the example of mit hauser syndikat )

and after that, consider options for governance ( more tricky ? ) between these various structures, and between the individual residents through the options for ownership chosen.

note :

I was thinking of calling the "meta" structure : "Rhiz-Home" , while calling the meta governance system "Re-Quest" But I ll still reflect upon it.