Talk:Key Theses on P2P Politics
Hello , it is for me the first time that I have had contact with you - P2P. Today I regisert me as user - and I hope also as member of this P2P Foundation.
I am founder of an European association "Bürger in Bewegung - für eine andere Welt" e.V. (Citizens movement - for another world). In our association work journalistes, authors, scientistes, documentalists and also specialists in informaticly works. We work together in respecting cooperative rules. Each member gives his part of work creating so new commun values. We said "common goods". All members have also a collective right on our common good, which are also material and immaterial goods / intangible and tangible goods.
Our products are published also by print media (books, ebooks) and by good-will daily newspaper as by ourown Internet portal - in three languages: German - French - English.
Our philosophy is very similairy with your philosophy. We have almost the same principles in our Statuts as it was written by Michael here on this page.
We offer our cooperation and collaboration on the peer-to-peer-principe.
Let us known your opinion. And excuse please my bad English.
Horst Grützke Potsdam / Germany email: [email protected]