For a list of pages see Category:Russia.
P2P Texts in Russian
- Политическая экономия равноправного производства: Russian translation of Michel Bauwens's foundational text (2005) 'The Political Economy of Peer Production' Originally published by [1000 Days of Theory: td026; Date Published: 12/1/2005; Arthur and Marilouise Kroker, Editors]. Translated by Julia Kogol, Summer 2016. Also downloadable .pdf & .odt files. Related blog-post announcement, 8th August 2016.
- Russia and the Next Long Wave: Эксперт: Россия и следующая долгая волна, или почему так важны сельские территории. Version published by REGNUM News Agency (информационнoe агентствo Regnum, July 3rd, 2009), connecting the work of Gleb Tyurin (Глеб Тюрин), Franz Nahrada (Global Villages Network) with Michel Bauwens (P2P Foundation), including internal reference links at
Theories & Histories
Thesis: Creative History of the Russian Internet by Eugene Gorny (2006). Ref:
Art Platforms
Goriunova, Olga (2007). Swarm Forms: On Platforms and Creativity. MUTE Magazine Vol 2 #4. Accessible online:
From Agryfp:
Мифы Греции (Greek Myths) blog (2009
"Stumbled across this blog which itself is quite remarkable example of p2p data sharing. Under the strapline 'Mysterious world of ancient legends' it is really a mystery who is behind this blog, who set it up etc. Postings are Russian language translations, mostly from P2P Foundation blog (Michel Bauwens entries, The speed and volume of translations suggests it is an automated bot/script doing the translation labour"*/
From Agryfp:
It appears that BarCamp, open-space/unconference style gatherings have also blossomed in Russian Federation since 2007.
- BarCampKazan (August 4th, 2007):
- NevaCamp St. Petersburg (June 2009): (see links on right-hand side of NevaCamp pages to other former-Soviet BarCamp locations/events circa 2009). Slideshare presentation by Vitaly Vlasov: