Remix the Commons

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= Remix the commons is a collaborative and evolutive multimedia project. It aims to document and illustrate the key ideas and practices of the commons movement, including through the creative process of the project itself.


Videos via


Remix the Commons is a space for co-creation and sharing of multimedia documents on Commons in an intercultural perspective.

We believe that the collection of narratives, definitions, stories of commons, and their remix is an active way to appropriate and disseminate this concept in our societies.

Remix the Commons aims to provide a web space to place, exchange and disseminate multimedia documents on the commons. It is understood that the web space is not intended to do remix video files.

Remix the Commons aims to develop an Intercultural free and collaborative catalogue of multimedia documents on the commons:

  • By intercultural: It means a concern to the meeting and fertilization of diverse cultural visions of the commons, that multilingualism does not reflect alone.
  • By free: It means that metadata are free and based on an open format/standard
  • By collaborative: it means that the catalogue entries are created in a collaborative mode. The semantic categories used are established on a collaborative basis.

Remix the Commons aims to provide tools and spaces to facilitate co-design, co-creation of initiatives, productions, mediation, that mobilize the multimedia documentation of the commons, and their organization.

Remix the Commons contributes to the strategical and political thinking for a movement that take care and develop the commons. Its guidance rules aim to ensure that Remix the Commons is, itself, a common resource of this movement.

David Bollier:

"The International Commons Conference in Berlin continues to generate some interesting follow-up work. One of the most engaging is a series of videos shot by Alain Ambrosi of Remix the Commons. The day after the conference, Alain interviewed ten commoners, including me, asking each of us the same questions, such as "What struck you most about this conference?"and "Would you say there is a commons movement?"

The Remix the Commons project is still a work-in-progress and won’t be fully operational for a few months. However, in the meantime, two different series of videos are available: “Define the Commons / Définir le Bien Commun / Definir el Procomùn,” and “Framing the Commons in Berlin.” The latter consists of a series of nine separate interviews with Silke Helfrich (Germany), Michel Bauwens (Thailand), Julio Lambing (Germany), Beatriz Busaniche (Argentina), Frédéric Sultan (France), Valérie Peugeot (France), Rosa Maria Fernanda (Ecuador), Alberto Acosta (Ecuador), Hervé Le Crosnier (France), and me. Each interview is conducted in the interviewee’s native language.

I really like the short versions of “Define the Commons” because they beautifully convey the deep pluralism of the movement, yet also its hoped-for unity. The effect of the video brings to mind the famous “Playing for Change” video, which had musicians from around the world playing “Stand By Me” and other songs, as a virtual band.

The Remix the Commons videos are currently available on vimeo, but will soon be available also on Youtube, dailymotion and Producer Alain Ambrosia invites everyone to remix the videos: "According to the spirit of the remixthecommons project, each viewer/participant is invited to use the material to create his /her own version with subtitles. Here is a link to a resource for preparing different language versions:" (


Alain Ambrosi:

"Since the Berlin conference back in 2010 we have been following the commons movement on different occasions and events in the Dakar WSF in 2010 and Rio+20 in Porto Alegre and Rio. We have been in touch and working with researchers and many types of commoners in different domains (social economy, free culture, artists, natural commons ) We have also followed with great interest the launching and activities of the UK school of commoning and, having the chance to stay in Barcelona for several months in a row in 2011 and 2012, I have been in touch with the Catalan version of the Escuela de los Commons withh Joan Subirats, Marco Berlinguer, Enric Senabre and others.

We launched at the beginning of this year the remixthecommons project with partners from francophone countries in Africa, France and Québec and will be ready to offer a socio-technical platform on the web for the exchange, co-creation and distribution of multimedia documents on the Commons. That will tally with the CSG/ Boell conference in Berlin on the Economy of the Commons.

We have been involved as remixthecommons in the calling and preparation of the different deep dive continental meetings prior to this conference. At the end of the Latin american deep dive in Mexico in November we convened with Silke Helfrich to call for a "Commons Culture Communication" workshop prior to the Berlin conference next May.The idea is for the actors in documentation, communication and education on the commons to get together and define a comprehensive "communication and education strategy.


On another side, as part of the remixthecommons project we have launched in Montreal and the Quebec province a series of animation/education events around the Commons called "Les déjeuners des Communs" (Commons Breakfasts) in an unconference style called "conversations". Michel Bauwens and Lionel Maurel from France were with us in Montreal for the last one we called "À l'école des Communs" at the beginning of November.

One of the followings of this last unconference will be a working group to define the mission and activities of an "École (ou université) des Communs"in Quebec with the objective to merge with a similar project in the new francophone network on the Commons."