Rehabilitation for Rent
“Rehabilitation for rent” is a modality of access to rented housing that replaces the tenant’s obligation to make rent payments in money with a commitment to renovate or reform the leased home. As of 2013, through Law 4/2013, on measures to add flexibility to and promote the housing rental market, this possibility was included within the framework of the Law of Urban Leases (LAU according to its Spanish acronym) of 1994, even if this same modality was already in use in practice, subject to the regulations of the Civil Code and other legal provisions, such as and the Catalonian concept of masoveria urbana (performing work or maintenance in lieu of rent), provided by Law 18/2007, on the right to housing in Catalonia.
Notwithstanding the above, this new modality in the LAU poses problems in terms of its compatibility with some other precepts, given that it is a law that is essentially intended for leases in which the rent is paid in money." (