Reach of P2P Foundation Twitter Accounts
Summary Stats
Via :
Measured on December 27, 2014
- @P2P Foundation account has 5,390 followers and 1,093 friends
- @mbauwens account, Michel Bauwens has 8,979 followers and 1,197 friends
- @P2P_Foundation’s 50 biggest followers have a combined reach of 2,957,183
- @mbauwens’s 50 biggest followers have a combined reach of 4,702,270
- @mbauwens and @P2P_Foundation share 18 big followers who have 962,697 followers
- @mbauwens has 65 big followers who have 4,524,253 followers
- @P2P_Foundation has 17 big followers who have 1,729,594 followers
Top Ten Individuals in Descending Reach
1. stevenbjohnson ; Author. (Nine books.) Now TV host. (How We Got To Now, on PBS/BBC.)
2. dbravo ; Abogado especializado en derecho informático y propiedad intelectual.
3. jeffjarvis ; @BuzzMachine blogger; author of Public Parts, What Would Google Do?
4. paulmasonnews ; Economics editor, Channel 4 News. Journalist. Novelist. Postcapitalist
5. EricAllenBell ; Writer
6. ioerror ; Ethics enthusiast
7. gharbeia ; cairo, egypt
8. dtapscott ; Media theorist, author (most recently of The Digital Economy
9. evgenymorozov ; internet critic
10. tiffanyshlain ; Filmmaker. Founder of The Webby Awards
Also: profdavidharvey ; stacyherbert ; Falkvinge ; NafeezAhmed ; santisiri
Top Five Organizations in Descending Reach
1. WWFFrance ; la première organisation mondiale de protection de la nature
2. UnitedHumans ; calling up for #Inclusiveness
3. AlternEconomics ; redefining economic theory starting from the initial question of what economics today is..
4. actionhappiness ; Movement of people committed to building a happier society by making positive changes
5. Partido_X ; Una Red Ciudadana para acabar con la corrupción y conseguir #DemocraciayPunto
Top Ten Media in Descending Reach
1. TheHackersNews ; oldest & most trusted Hacking & Information Security News Portal
2. netzpolitik ; Markus Beckedahl
3. Philanthropy ; Chronicle of Philanthropy's official Twitter page, dispensing news, advice, and commentary
4. Mindsdotcom
5. Architizer Empowering architecture through sharing and transparency.
6. TheBitcoinNews ; Decentralised #Bitcoin and #Crypto #News
7. ilmanifesto ; Italian national newspaper
8. OWNI ; “Société, Pouvoirs & Cultures Numériques”
9. SustainBrands ; News, Views, Events and Community surrounding the field of Sustainable Brand building.
10. Truthdig
Top Five Businesses in Descending Reach
1. Acumen (social venture fund ?)
2. shapeways ; marketplace & community where you can make, buy and sell 3D Printed products
3. PureEnergiesUS ; one-stop shop for solar