Public Interest Polling

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Dan Shaw:

"Opinion Polling has gotten a bad name. Special interests, including the media, sponsor polls which are biased in many ways. To counter this abysmal trend, Alan Kay has applied his fortune to the pursuit of Public Interest Polling. Perhaps naively, Kay thought that if he conducted rigorous polling, in an unbiased way, that politicians would actually be interested to know what the public thought on specific policy issues. In Locating Consensus, Kay establishes some surprising truths about how people think about politics, and how politicians think. Average Americans are surprisingly adept at answering complex political questions, when they are skillfully asked. Kay has been asking thousands of Americans vital questions over ten years. The consensus on national security and other issues that has emerged will be ignored by politicians at their own risk. Conversely, a politician, political campaign or social movement that represents this consensus will be swept to dominance." (

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