Potential Discussion Topics at Contact

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What are the critical questions you hope to discuss with peers at Contact?

- how do we more effectively share resources amongst ourselves?

- how do we fund early stage pre-proof of concept social innovations / enterprises?

- what kind of business models are available or being developed for social entrepreneurs?

What topics do you plan to lead a discussion about at Contact?

What are you hoping to learn about or hear a presentation about at Contact?

Proposed Discussion Topics

Mass Collaboration Architecture: how do we connect and support the collaboration efforts of large numbers of people and projects that have aligned interests? - If interested contact suresh2323 (at) gmail (dot) com

Pre Proof of Concept Funding for Social Innovators: how do we substantially increase the pool of risk capital for social innovators? - If interested contact suresh2323 (at) gmail (dot) com

Gamifying the Transition to a Sustainable Civilization - If interested contact george (at) community-intelligence (dot) com.

Building an Economic Ecosystem for New Business Models and Ideas - If interested contact curtis (followed by at) worldhouse (followed by dot) org.

Seeding the emergence of free and resilient communities - If interested contact mark (followed by at) openworld (followed by dot) com.

Social Technology and Emergent Democracy - If interested contact jon.lebkowsky (followed by at) gmail (followed by dot) com.

Bottom-Up Emergent Organization and Decision Making - If interested contact curtis (followed by at) worldhouse (followed by dot) org.

Common Global Software Infrastructure for an Open P2P World - If interested contact curtis (followed by at) worldhouse (followed by dot) org.