Opening Up Education
Book: Opening Up Education: The Collective Advancement of Education through Open Technology, Open Content, and Open Knowledge. Editors Toru Iiyoshi and M. S. Vijay Kumar. MIT Press, 2008
"These essays by leaders in open education describe successes, challenges, and opportunities they have found in a range of open education initiatives. They approach—from both macro and micro perspectives—the central question of how open education tools, resources, and knowledge can improve the quality of education. The contributors (from leading foundations, academic institutions, associations, and projects) discuss the strategic underpinnings of their efforts first in terms of technology, then content, and finally knowledge. They also address the impact of their projects, and how close they come to achieving a vision of sustainable, transformative educational opportunities that amounts to much more than pervasive technology.
Through the support of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, an electronic version of this book is openly available under a Creative Commons license on The MIT Press website."
A selection of significant articles:
- Foreword: Creating a Culture of Learning. John Seely Brown
- Introduction: An Invitation to Open Up the Future of Education Toru Iiyoshi and M. S. Vijay Kumar
- Open Educational Technology: Tempered Aspirations. By Owen McGrath
- Designing Open Educational Technology David Kahle
- The Gates Are Shut: Technical and Cultural Barriers to Open Education. Stuart D. Lee
More articles:
- Evaluating the Results of Open Education. Edward Walker
- A Harvest Too Large? A Framework for Educational Abundance. Trent Batson, Neeru Paharia and M. S. Vijay Kumar
- Digital Libraries, Learning Communities, and Open Education. Clifford Lynch
- Open Source in Open Education: Promises and Challenges. Christopher J. Mackie
- Open Educational Content: Transforming Access to Education". Flora McMartin
- Widening Participation in Education through Open Educational Resources. Andy Lane
- Building Open Learning as a Community-based Research Activity. Candace Thille
- Extending the Impact of Open Educational Resources through Alignment with Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Institutional Why #Understanding the Use and Users of Open Education Matters. Diane Harley
- OpenCourseWare: Building a Culture of Sharing. Steven R. Lerman, Shigeru Miyagawa and Anne H. Margulies
- Challenges and Opportunities for the Open Education Movement: A Connexions Case Study. Richard G. Baraniuk
- Revolutionizing Education through Innovation: Can Openness Transform Teaching and Learning? Catherine M. Casserly and Marshall S.
- Open Educational Knowledge: More than Opening the Classroom Door. Cheryl R. Richardson
- Inquiry Unplugged: A Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for Open Understanding. Richard A. Gale
- Open Teaching: The Key to Sustainable and Effective Open Education. Diana Laurillard