Open Coworking
Open Coworking was a project initiated by Jacob Sayles and, during the 2010-2011 period, supported by Sarapis.
Documentation held on the Sarapis wiki about that project is below.
Partners is "the Coworking network for digital workers and digital places. connecting coworkers – and coworking spaces."
Jacob of Seattle, US
Jeannine of Oosterhout, Netherlands. "For work such as organization and communication of all kinds, just ask me."
Devin of New York, NY
Kevin Ciesielski of Milwaukee, WI. "I have 5 years of drupal experience and would love to help with this. and frankly given the requirements, it would not take too long to proof of concept the idea."
Assets URL
Open Questions
What technologies are gonna use?
Important Dates
Mission Statement
The mission for creating this database is to produce a sustainable, neutral, dynamic resource for coworking spaces around the world.
Principal goals are:
1. Assembly, integration and distribution of data on coworking spaces
2. Public outreach - communicate to the coworking community and to the public the nature and development of coworking in its many forms and guises
3.Resource outreach - Provide a fundamental resource for the broader coworking community and a framework for maintaining contact with the development of coworking.
I think the first step to create a mission is to define what qualifies as a "coworking space" in a format that enable anyone to quickly and easily evaluate whether a space should be included. Personally, I'm an advocate of an inclusive definition that extends into hacker/maker spaces and some community/shared office spaces, artist studios, etc.
The technical portion of the mission should explain the two important parts of the database: (1) it's "neutral, sustainable and dynamic" with basic information about as many 'coworking' spaces as possible and (2) there's an API that enables developers to use the database to create web applications that fulfill the communities' needs.
We should also keep in mind what information we'd like to have about each space, what applications we'd like to see built using that data and how we can collect this data as easily as possible.
Defining hackerspaces in relation to coworking.
What is OpenCoworking?
OpenCoworking is a project to create an open library for all the coworking data that people love to share! Help us define the project further. Help us [define coworking].
Essential Info
- Space Directories
- Database Project
- Open Space Handbook
- Resource Library
Participate through our Project Dashboard.
Notes - Devin, Jacob, Erik - 1/11/11
Create an independent, neutral, sustainable and extensible database of coworking spaces that upholds the values of the free/libre/open source movement while providing hooks and APIs that enables developers and entrepreneurs to create rich functionality for the coworking community without having to worry about sourcing their own data.
Information site:
OpenCoworking Technical Specification
List of Possible OpenCoworking Interfaces
I. Introducing OpenCoworking
1. Deploy wiki on
2. Outline new types of participation
3. Explain OpenCoworking to CoworkingDB Google Group and discuss.
4. Change name of Group, introduce to Coworking Google Group.
II. March 10: Coworking Unconference
1. Statement of Intention
2. explanatory website w. copy, design and CRM functionality.
3. Outline technology plan and core team
4. Receive a Fiscal Sponsorship from a nonprofit
5. Recruit a Board of Advisers
How do we define a "coworking" space?
Defining hackerspaces in relation to coworking.
Jacob of Seattle, US
Jeannine of Oosterhout, Netherlands. "For work such as organization and communication of all kinds, just ask me."
Devin of New York, NY
Kevin of Milwaukee, WI. "I have 5 years of drupal experience and would love to help with this. and frankly given the requirements, it would not take too long to proof of concept the idea."
Cadu of Rio, Brazil
Coworking Wiki has 2800 users, 10-20 requests/day with 60% real people, 500 hits/day.
Coworking Google Group, Linked In Group and Facebook Group reach abou 3000+ members
Attendees of Coworking Europe Conference
Opportunities to organize Dutch, British and Brazilian spaces.
Nonprofit Fiscal Sponsors: School Factory
Potential Corporate Sponsors: Intuit, Steelcase, Pearsons
Transition USA
Emergent Research monitors the growth of the movement.
DeskMag is "the magazine about the new places we work, how they look, how they function, how they could be improved and how we work in them. We especially focus on workspaces which are home to the new breed of independent workers, such as coworking spaces, private shared studios and executive offices."
Cobot is "the one tool you need to run your coworking space."
The mission for creating this database is to produce a sustainable, neutral, dynamic resource for coworking spaces around the world.
Principal goals are:
1. Assembly, integration and distribution of data on coworking spaces
2. Public outreach - communicate to the coworking community and to the public the nature and development of coworking in its many forms and guises
3.Resource outreach - Provide a fundamental resource for the broader coworking community and a framework for maintaining contact with the development of coworking.
I think the first step to create a mission is to define what qualifies as a "coworking space" in a format that enable anyone to quickly and easily evaluate whether a space should be included. Personally, I'm an advocate of an inclusive definition that extends into hacker/maker spaces and some community/shared office spaces, artist studios, etc.
The technical portion of the mission should explain the two important parts of the database: (1) it's "neutral, sustainable and dynamic" with basic information about as many 'coworking' spaces as possible and (2) there's an API that enables developers to use the database to create web applications that fulfill the communities' needs.
We should also keep in mind what information we'd like to have about each space, what applications we'd like to see built using that data and how we can collect this data as easily as possible.