= free Social Space in Athens
"Over the past decade Nosotros Free Social Space has been a pioneer social centre considerably contributing to reshaping the map of self-organised spaces in Greece. Nosotros has been hosting dozens of political and cultural events in the context of self-organisation, solidarity and resistance, being at the same time a meeting point for many political groups and activists. Several libertarian initiatives of action or struggles within or outside the confines of the city had Nosotros as their vaulting horse or starting point. The space has consistently insisted on openess, refuting a sole ideology, with a view to spreading antiauthoritarian thinking and acting widely in the society.
After its creation in 2005 Nosotros was one of the leading examples of its type. Its contribution as a free social space partnered with the increasing mobilisations and political momentum of the time and inspired the appearance of many local solidarity structures reaching the point where every neighbourhood of the capital would have its own hang-out by 2008.
Currently, the metropolis, where Nosotros is placed, is not favourable ground for ventures such as our own multi-purpose venue that runs on a rent dictated by the conditions of the “free” market and struggles to maintain terms of dignity and respect. People have now retreated to their own neighbourhoods, supporting local ventures and struggles, an evolution which we both expected and applaud. Simultaneously, the dark impact of the 6th year of a memorandum and crisis hangs morbidly over the area of the metropolis. This leads us to a necessary reflection of the future of the social centre, its potential new uses and the new needs it must address.
Even if the original and current purpose of the space and its people remains alive, it is an undisputed truth that the Greek society is not living, but struggling to survive. The nightmarish percentage of unemployment among the youth - 60% - is a sign of the new reality. Nosotros strives to stand next to these people, being a victim of not finding enough resources itself. Our limited forces continue to support political action, create structures for the mutual assistance of refugees and organise mobilisations, in addition to the everyday running of the space and planning possible future improvements of it.
Any Kind of financial support on your part would be more than valuable in guaranting the future of Nosotros in these difficult times. International understanding and networking seems now more needed than ever !”
More Information
For more information on the space, its current actions or for a way to support us, please contact us [email protected]