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* Book: NOOMAKHIA: Wars of the Mind. Alexander Dugin. Academic Project (28 vol Russian edition),


For background, see the entry on Noology.


From the publisher:

"Noomakhia: Wars of the Mind is the ongoing magnum opus of the “most dangerous philosopher in the world”, Alexander Dugin (1962-). Soon to enter its final, 28th volume in Russian, Noomakhia is shaping up to be one of the 21st century’s most ambitious and complex contributions to numerous fields and schools of thought. Beyond a series of innovative Noological studies in the history of Civilizations, and beyond an original culmination of many of the author’s previous ideas and works, Noomakhia aims to inaugurate a new philosophical paradigm, based on the radical deconstruction of the universalism of Western Modernity and the daring reconstruction of a pluriversal model of the variations of the Logoi which structure human cultures. Noomakhia strives to initiate a new anthropology, to establish a new discourse on the history and structures of the Noomachy (“War of the Mind”) that conditions the diversity of human civilizations, and to contribute to an inter-continental Dialogue of Civilizations."



"Noomakhia is the struggle in the sphere of the ideal. The author presents humanity as an ensemble of civilizational paradigms which hold continuous dialogue (whether agreement, struggle, understanding, solidarity, or opposition) between one another over the course of all of world history. The panorama of modern humanity presents a diversity of philosophical Logoi, types of rationalities, and mythological matrices – from the European (bringing together Western European and Eastern European components), the Russian, American, Semitic, Iranian, and Indian to the Chinese, Japanese, African and Oceanic (Polynesian). In deconstructing his reflections on the studied material, the author insists that deconstruction should also be accomplished with respect to the observatory point itself."


3. From the author, Alexander Dugin:

“The Noomakhia project is based on an in-depth study of the different cultures, philosophical systems, arts, religions and psychological features and characteristics of human civilizations. Noomakhia examines all peoples – ancient and modern, highly sophisticated and “primitive”, those highly technologically developed and those lacking a written language. The ultimate aim of Noomakhia is to demonstrate and conclusively prove that no single culture can be regarded in a hierarchical way (developed/under-developed, higher/lower, modern/premodern, civilized/savage, and so on). The responsible evaluation of any human culture must be judged from within, by those who belong to it, and without the imposition of outside biases (interpretation is always culturally biased). Noomakhia argues the case for the dignity of humanity that lives within the incommensurability of all its existing cultural forms.

The starting point – and the main feature of Noomakhia – is the concept of the Three Logoi, the three Noological paradigms which define the structure of any culture. The Three Logoi are

  • The Apollonian (patriarchal, hierarchical, androcratic, vertical, exclusive, “heavenly”, transcendent) – the light Logos;
  • The Dionysian (middle, androgynous, ecstatic, immanent without materialism, balanced, dialectic) – the dark Logos;
  • The Cybelean (matriarchal, horizontal, gynocratic, inclusive, chthonic, immanent, materialistic) – the black Logos.

Noomakhia proposes that all three of these Logoi are present in every culture, but they are irreducible (invariant) and always keep their distinct essence. Hence the concept of Noomakhia (or “Noomachy”), the constant battle between the Three Logoi that constitutes the dynamic of the creation of the moments of the cultural and historical dialectic. These are variables in the timeline of the history of any culture and they develop in differing stages and phases. There is no universal rule that has defined or can define the succession and duration of these phases and moments in the Noomachy.Every culture and civilization has its own, unique sequence of the process of Noomakhia, with its own unique particularities characterizing the victories and triumphs of the various Logoi which fundamentally transform all roles. Each culture must be studied and assessed individually and with considerable care, avoiding any temptation to project the structure of one’s own studied experience onto the Noomakhia of others.

The second principle of the Noomakhia project is defining the field for research and the limits of civilization. The concept of civilization is cultural and based on the presumption of a coexistence among the peoples of the earth of different existential circles (or horizons), which are identified as the plurality of Daseins. The next step is the clarification of the spatial concept of culture of the civilizations studied and the presentation of the semantic sequences (l’historial, Seynsgeschichte) of the most significant events interpreted in the optic of these concrete peoples and cultures.”


Vol. 1: The Three Logoi – Apollo, Dionysus, and Cybele

(Moscow: Academic Project, 2014)


"The first book of the Noomakhia cycle, The Three Logoi: Apollo, Dionysus, and Cybele, is dedicated to studying the question of the multiplicity of the Logoi and philosophical and mytho-symbolic paradigms which define the structures of different civilizations. This book represents the philosophical and methodological introduction to the Noomakhia cycle; it describes the models of the three Logoi – of Apollo, Dionysus, and Cybele – which, in the author’s opinion, lie at the heart of diverse philosophical, religious, scientific, and political systems. From this angle, the author examines in detail the philosophy of Plato, the Neoplatonists (Plotinus and Proclus), Aristotle’s doctrine of categories, Christian Gnosticism, Hermetism, and various forms of materialist and nominalist worldviews.”


Introduction: The Aims and Tasks of Noomakhia [1]

Chapter 1: Deconstructing the “Contemporal Moment”: New Horizons in the History of Philosophy [2]

Chapter 2: The Three Logoi: An Introduction to the Triadic Methodology [3]

Chapter 3: Plato: Death, Love, and the Soul

Chapter 4: Aristotle Uncomprehended: The Experience of Phenomenological Reading

Chapter 5: Plotinus: The Radical Challenge of Solar Philosophy

Chapter 6: Valentinus the Gnostic: Sophia and the Structures of the Feminine Logos

Chapter 7: Proclus: The Absolute Philosophy of the Sun

Chapter 8: Hermetism

Chapter 9: Cybele

Chapter 10: Noomakhia and its Vertical Topography

Vol. 2: Geosophy: Horizons and Civilizations

(Moscow: Academic Project, 2017).

“A philosophical-methodological introduction and companion to the Greater Noomakhia cycle”



Part I: The Basic Concepts of Geosophy

Chapter 1: The Horizons of Cultures: The Geography of Logoi [4]

Chapter 2: Deconstructing Eurocentrism

Chapter 3: Defining Civilizations

Chapter 4: The Topography of Geosophy

Part II: Theories of Civilizations: Criteria, Concepts, Correspondences

Chapter 5: Proclus

Chapter 6: Joachim de Flore

Chapter 7: Giambattista Vico

Chapter 8: Johann Gottfried Herder

Chapter 9: Friedrich von Schelling

Chapter 10: Georg Hegel

Chapter 11: Nikolai Yakovlevich Danilevsky

Chapter 12: Johann Bachofen

Chapter 13: Friedrich Ratzel

Chapter 14: Halford Mackinder

Chapter 15: Carl Schmitt

Chapter 16: Robert Graebner and Wilhelm Schmidt

Chapter 17: Moritz Lazarus, Wilhelm Wundt, and Alfred Vierkandt

Chapter 18: Franz Boas

Chapter 19: Oswald Spengler

Chapter 20: Richard Thurnwald

Chapter 21: Leo Frobenius

Chapter 22: Herman Wirth

Chapter 23: Marija Gimbutas

Chapter 24: Robert Graves

Chapter 25: Károly Kerényi

Chapter 26: Sigmund Freud

Chapter 27: Carl Gustav Jung

Chapter 28: Johan Huizinga

Chapter 29: René Guénon

Chapter 30: Julius Evola

Chapter 31: Mircea Eliade

Chapter 32: Ioan Culianu

Chapter 33: Georges Dumézil

Chapter 34: Pitirim Sorokin

Chapter 35: Gilbert Durand

Chapter 36: Nikolai Trubetzkoy

Chapter 37: Petr Savitsky

Chapter 38: Lev Gumilev

Chapter 39: Arnold Toynbee

Chapter 40: Fernand Braudel

Chapter 41: Samuel Huntington

Chapter 42: A Common Nomenclature of Basic Terminologies

Part III: Pluriversum: Geosophy and its Zones

Chapter 43: A Nomenclature of Horizons and the Plans of Greater Noomakhia

Chapter 44: The Logos of Europe: A History of Rise and Fall

Chapter 45: The Semitic Horizon

Chapter 46: The Horizons of the Two Americas

Chapter 47: The Eurasian Horizon

Chapter 48: The Iranian Logos

Chapter 49: The Indian Logos

Chapter 50: Chinese Civilization

Chapter 51: Japan and its Logos

Chapter 52: African Horizons

Chapter 53: The Horizons of the Pacific

Vol. 3: The Logos of Turan – The Indo-European Ideology of the Verticle

(Moscow: Academic Project, 2017)


With this volumes starts ...

I. The Logos of Eurasia 


Introduction: Turan as an Idea [5]

PART I: The Indo-European Logos

PART II: The Indo-Europeans Leave the Homeland: The War of Interpretations in Ancient Anatolia

PART III: The Indo-Europeans Unbroken: The Tocharians, Armenians, and Kurds

PART IV: Great Scythia and its Rays

Conclusion: Turan and the Logos of Apollo in the Indo-European Ecumene

Vol 4: The Horizons and Civilizations of Eurasia – The Indo-European Legacy and the Traces of the Great Mother

(Moscow: Academic Project, 2017)



Part I: The Transmission of the Turanian Covenant: The Altaic Invasion

Part II: The Turks in the Elements of Turan

Part III: The Mongols

Part IV: Tibet

Part V: The Manchus

Part VI: The Paleo-Asiatics

Part VII: The Great Mother and Her Raven

Part VIII: The Horizons of the Caucasus

Conclusion. The Turning Point of Noomakhia

Vol. 5: The Iranian Logos: The War of Light and the Culture of Awaiting

(Moscow: Academic Project, 2016)


With this volumes starts ...

II. The Indo-European Logos of Asia 


Introduction: Iran in Expectation of (the End of) Light

Part I: Ancient Iran: The Solar Sources of the World Empire

Part II: The Second Kingdom and its Echoes

Part III: Islamic Iran

Part IV: The Persians and at–Tasawwuf

PART V: Iran and Shia

Part VI: After the Abbasids

Part VII: Iran in Modernity

Conclusion: Global Iran

Vol. 6: Great India – Civilization of the Absolute

(Moscow: Academic Project, 2017)



Introduction: The Indo-Europeans of the Eastern Limits

Part I: Vedic Civilization

PART II: The Indian Historial

PART III: India in the Middle Ages

PART IV: Buddhism: Mahayana – The Indian Philosophy of the New Beginning

PART V: The Post-Middle-Ages: Islam and India

PART VI: Towards Modernity: From Colonization to Independence


Vol. 7: The Hellenic Logos: The Valley of Truth (2016)

(Moscow: Academic Project, 2016)


With this volumes starts:

III. The Logos of Europe


Preface: The Semantics of Greece

Part I: The Titanomakhia of the Hellenes: Gods and History

Part II: The Withdrawal of the Gods and the Epiphany of Man

Vol. 8: The Byzantine Logos: Hellenism and Empire

(Moscow: Academic Project, 2016)




Part I: Hellenism and Hellada

Part II: Christ and the Hellenes

Part III: Dogma, Councils, and the Division of Civilizations

Part IV: After Byzantium

Vol. 9: The Latin Logos: The Sun and the Cross

(Moscow: Academic Project, 2016)


“The Latin Logos: The Sun and the Cross, continues Alexander Dugin’s Noomakhia cycle in describing another Western European space in its foundational, unique culturo-historical components – those of the Latin world of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Having taken shape in antiquity and reached its apogee in the era of the rise of Rome, the Latin Logos became the pole of Western Christianity, determining both the culture of the European Middle Ages and the religious and geopolitical balance of European countries in Modernity as a stronghold of Catholicism, the Counter-Reformation, and conservatism.”


Foreword: The Latin Logos and the European Cross

Part I: Italy: The Imperial Mysteries of Rome

Part II: Spain: The Eternal Middle Ages

Part III: Portugal: Towards the Fifth Empire

Vol. 10: The Germanic Logos – Apophatic Man

(Moscow: Academic Project, 2015)




Part I: The Logos of Germania

Part II: The Space of the Germanic World

Vol. 11: The French Logos: Orpheus and Melusine

(Moscow: Academic Project, 2015)

"A description of French identity and studies various aspects of the French and, more broadly, Celtic Dasein as manifest in mythology, history, philosophy, cultural, and mysticism.

Since the Middle Ages, France and Germany have acted as the two main poles of the dialectical formation of European civilization, thereby determining the historical, political, and cultural semantics of the most important processes in the history of Western Europe over the past half millennium. In studying the structures of the French Logos, the author arrives at the conclusion that this Logos’ main components are the two fundamental figures (Gestalts) of the Singer of the Sanctified, Orpheus, and the semi-female dragon, Melusine. According to the author, the paradigm of Modernity, in its mythological and cultural roots, can be traced back to the Gestalt of Melusine.”


Foreword: The French Pair of Gestalts

Vol. 12: England or Britain? The Maritime Mission and Positive Subject

(Moscow: Academic Project, 2015).



Introduction: England – The Homeland of the “Modern World”

Part I: England or Britain?

Part II: The Celtic Pole

Vol. 13: The Civilizations of the New World: Pragmatic Dreams and Split Horizons

(Moscow: Academic Project, 2017)



Part I: North American Civilization: The New Atlantis

Part II: The Logos of Ariel: Horizons of Latin America


Vol. 14: Eastern Europe: The Slavic Logos – Balkan Nav and Sarmatian Style (2018)

(Moscow: Academic Project, 2018)


With this volume starts:

Part IV: Eastern Europe and Russia

"The space of Eastern Europe is a frontier between two civilizations – Western European and Russian. Precisely here ran the border between the nomadic, Indo-European, patriarchal civilizations of Turan and the matriarchal civilizations of Old Europe (which emerged in Anatolia and spread to the Balkans and Southern Europe), between the Catholic (Latin) Celto-Germanic West and the Russian-Orthodox East. The mosaic of this pivot region’s peoples and religions has never in history been geopolitically united, but this does not mean that the peoples of Eastern Europe cannot develop civilizational unity in the future and retrieve a cultural identity founded on the common Eastern European Dasein.

Since the fifth-sixth centuries A.D., the Slavic peoples have played a decisive role in the space of Eastern Europe. This volume of Noomakhia examines the Slavic horizon of Eastern Europe, which the author calls “Great Slaviania.” In question is not a concrete polity, but the inner unity of the Slavic Dasein, language, and ethno-sociological structure, constituted by the predominance of the settled agricultural population and the allogenic superstructure of a ruling warrior elite, the latter being an indirect trace of Sarmatian, Turanian, or Germanic influence. Alexander Dugin believes that, despite the powerful impact exerted on Slavic horizon of Eastern Europe by a number of non-Slavic peoples and powerful civilizational poles – such as Byzantium, Rome, Germany, France, England, Russia, and the Ottoman Empire – the mosaic of the West and South Slavic peoples, being the foci of mixed, self-sufficient cultures, can in the future form a multi-faceted and fully-fledged civilizational unity.“


PART I: The Civilization of the Goddess and the Peasant Ecumene of Europe

PART II: The Eastern European Nav

PART III: The Proto-Slavs

PART IV: The South Slavs: Bulgarian Katechon and the Mission of the Bogomils

PART V: Illyrian Civilization: Fiery Serbia and other South Slavs

PART VI: The West Slavs: The Moravo-Bohemian Logos

PART VII: The Polish Horizon: Sarmatian Spirit and European Mission

Conclusion: On the Path Towards the Slavic Ereignis

Vol. 15: The Non-Slavic Horizons of Eastern Europe: The Song of the Vampire and the Voice of the Depths

(Moscow: Academic Project, 2018)



Introduction: The Slavs and Non-Slavs in Eastern Europe

PART I: Great Baltica: The Lithuanian Logos and Unrealized Civilization

PART II: Black Dacia: Mioritic Space and the Romanian Idea

PART III: The Hungarians and the Scythian Idea

PART IV: From Illyria to Albania: Dragons and Warriors

PART V: The Jews of Eastern Europe: The Fiery Nihilism of Liberation

Vol. 16: The Russian Logos I – The Kingdom of Land: The Structure of Russian Identity

(Moscow: Academic Project, 2019)



PART I: The Russian Horizon

PART II: The Russian Mother

PART III: The Russian Father

PART IV: The Morphology of the Russian Structure

PART V: World, Existence, Being

Conclusion: Russian Identity and the Dialectic of the Russian Historial

Vol. 17: The Russian Logos II – The Russian Historial: The People and State in Search of the Subject

(Moscow: Academic Project, 2019)



PART I: Russian Origins and the Creation of the Derzhava

PART II: Differentials and Fragmentations

PART III: The Mongol Invasion, the Rise of Moscow, and the Decline of the Russian West

PART IV: The Muscovite Kingdom: The Third Rome, Katechon, and the Schism

PART V: The Russian “Empire” and the Problem of the Antichrist: Peter and the Empresses

PART VI: The 19th Century: Towards Russian Identity

PART VII: Soviet Rus

PART VIII: After the End of Bolshevism

Vol. 18: The Russian Logos III – The Images of Russian Thought: The Solar Tsar, the Flash of Sophia, and Subterranean Rus’

(Moscow: Academic Project, 2020



Introduction: Towards the Morphology of Russian Self-Consciousness

PART I: The Apollonian Logos: The State and Orthodoxy

PART II: The Logos of Dionysus: The Thought of the Russian People

PART III: The Russian Logos of the Great Mother

Vol. 19: The Semites: Monotheism of the Moon and the Gestalt of Ba’al

(Moscow: Academic Project, 2017)


With this volume starts:

VI. The Logos of Afro-Asia


Foreword: The Poles of the Semitic World

PART I: The East Semites: The Mesopotamian Logos

PART II: The West Semites: Ba’al, the Bloody God of Thunder

PART III: The Jews and Civilization

PART IV: The Arab Logos: The Secret of the Moon

Conclusion: The Versions and Types of the Semitic Logos

Vol. 20: The Hamites: The Civilization of the African North

(Moscow: Academic Project, 2018)



Introduction: Continent Africa: Horizons and Civilizations

PART I: The Logos of Egypt: The Black Lands and the Sun of the Pharaohs

PART II: The Berber Horizon: The Pull of the Far West

PART III: Civilization of the Kush and the Ethiopian Mission

PART IV: The Negroes of Afro-Asia: The Culture of the Chadian Peoples

Vol. 21: The Logos of Africa: The People of the Black Sun

(Moscow: Academic Project, 2018)



Introduction: Black Africa

PART I: The Logos of the Nilotes: The Apotheosis of Androcracy

PART II: West Africa: The Black Mother and Imperial Verticles

PART III: The Bantu Ecumene: The Metaphysics of Strength and the Ontology of Witchcraft

PART IV: The Pygmies and Khoisan: The Greatness of Little

Conclusion: The Flaming-Face Peoples and their Logos

Vol. 22: The Yellow Dragon: The Civilizations of the Far East

(Moscow: Academic Project, 2018)


With this volumes starts ...

VI. The Logos of the Far East and Oceania


PART I: The Chinese Logos

PART II: The Korean Logos: The Peninsula of Heaven and Earth

PART III: The Japanese Logos: The Irreversibility of the Arrow

PART IV: Indochina: The Space of the Nagi and the Indo-Buddhist Mandala-States

Vol. 23: The Challenge of the Water


“In this volume of the epic of Noomakhia: Wars of the Mind, Alexander Dugin studies the oceanic expanses of the islands of Oceania and the Malay ecumene, a zone which might be called the ‘space of the Great Water’, that of ‘Noological’ or ‘Geosophical Oceania.’ Close to this understanding, according to the author, is the concept of ‘Austronesia’, denoting the linguistic unity of the peoples speaking the language family of the same name and inhabiting the islands and archipelagos stretching from Madagascar to Polynesia. As distinct entities belong to this cultural horizon, this book also examines the two insular poles of the Papuans and the Australian Aborigines. All the territories of Austronesia are treated as bearing enormous importance from the standpoint of preserving the inviolability of these unique, ancient cultures, which have preserved keys to the primordial root layers of humanity.”


PART I: The Logos of the Great Water: The Malay Ecumene

PART II: The Horizons of Oceania: The Thoughts of Water and the Rays of Androcracy

PART III: Continent Australia: Dreams of Heartland