Network Commons License

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= "describes the terms and conditions associated with the provision and utilization of free networks".



"The Network Commons License (NCL) describes the terms and conditions associated with the provision and utilization of free networks, and so enables individuals, communities, companies, governments and other organizations to build or support such networks. The NCL is a framework of mutual rights, responsibilities, and freedoms. This framework is intended to help preserve the natural, inviolable rights of communication and free expression. It is designed to foster cooperation by establishing specific duties and privileges for participants in free networks." (


"It is based on the following core principles:

  • You have the right to join the network, and the responsibility to extend this set of rights to anyone, under these same conditions.
  • You have the right to understand the network, to know its components, and to spread knowledge of its elements and principles.
  • You have the right to offer services and content to the network on your own terms.
  • You have the freedom to use the network for any purpose as long as you don't harm the operation of the network itself, the rights of other participants, or the principles of neutrality that allow contents and services to flow without deliberate interference."
