My User Agreement

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"The user agreement you adopt on this site contains terms and conditions intended to limit how companies can use data related to you and the devices and systems you use. Generally, the terms and conditions that companies ask you to accept provide few, if any, protections for your privacy.

My User Agreement supplements but does not replace agreements with individual companies whose services you use. In this initial version we seek to limit just two abusive practices. One is the review and analysis of personal communications that are not intended to be public, for example emails, phone calls and electronic messages addressed to specific recipients. The other concern is discrimination against your interest. We recognize that some customization can be a good thing, but My User Agreement limits discrimination relating to a range of subjects including politics, race and religion as well as urgent or critical needs that is not primarily for your benefit and that is likely to impose a cost or a negative impact on you.

Since the mobile internet and big data are relatively new developments, traditional legal doctrines must continually evolve to address new concerns. In some cases lengthy user agreements with complex terms may not be enforced in every respect, or even at all. We believe individuals have a fundamental right to control the commercial exploitation of their identity, but it will probably take a years to know with confidence whether our approach is working. Meanwhile, we anticipate changes to My User Agreement as we learn more about how to protect and promote the rights of individuals. When we propose a change, we will post it on this website and seek affirmative approval from you before putting it into effect.

My User Agreement can be adopted by following a simple process. On this site, you can review the agreement, accept its terms and provide us your email address. When the number of acceptances reaches our threshold, we will "go live" by emailing you a link that will allow you to notify the companies you do business with online that you have adopted My User Agreement.

We use a two-step adoption process because we believe there is strength in numbers. My User Agreement won't go into effect until the number of adoptions is statistically significant, as determined by us. With enough people behind this, it will be harder for companies to ignore. The more people who sign up, the stronger your protections will be.

So if you agree with our goals and share our desire to establish a healthy internet, share this site with your friends and contacts. The more, and the faster, the better!

We will use your email to tell you when we "go live" and to inform you if we think My User Agreement needs changes. We won't seek to use, sell or disclose your email in any other way." (