Money in an Unequal World
= course at LSE in London
The Course, Money in an Unequal World, is proposed by Prof Nigel Dodd and Prof John Hart
"This is a single term course consisting of 10 x 3 hours workshops for up to 30 Masters students. The course will introduce students to approaches to money from sociology, anthropology, development studies, geography, political economy and cultural theory. The course extends an ongoing dialogue between the course organizers, an anthropologist and a sociologist, and will draw on major theoretical approaches and historical studies to examine how money operates – its social organization and governance, its production in global and local financial networks. As a measure and symbol of economic inequality, money is both a problem for development and potentially a major part of its solution. Students will therefore investigate how new and alternative forms may help us to rethink and re-organize money and mount a sustained challenge to prevailing economic systems."