Michel Bauwens on Resilient and Empowered Communities for the 21st Century
Video via https://vimeo.com/293695642
Presentation in Melbourne, filmed by Paul Bishop, introduced by John Hennesy and facilitated and presented by Gilbert Rouchecoute, Australian 'place-maker'.
Bauwens presentation starts around 7:30 minutes.
"On 20 September 2018, Michel Bauwens (Global Founder of Peer to Peer Foundation), was invited to conduct this workshop in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Attended by citizens, elected representatives, public servants, coop workers, ngo’s and Municipal Association of Victoria staff, the workshop was co-hosted and co-presented by facilitator and place-maker, Gilbert Rouchecoute from Village Well."
More information
- Video filmed by Paul Bishop (a councillor from Redland City, Queensland) and shared with permission: 15 Minute Interview with Michel Bauwens here: vimeo.com/paulbish/michel-bauwens2018
- This event was linked to the National Sustainable Communities Summit 2018
as part of MAV’s #FOLG (Future of Local Government Project) mav.asn.au/what-we-do/sector-development/future-of-local-government ; Link to more: mav.asn.au/events/past-events