FLO Solutions Meeting 1 - 10/6/11
(Redirected from Meeting 1 - 10/6/11)
FLO / Open Source Working Group Minutes 10/6/11 1700 Posted on October 7, 2011 by Drew
Meeting Time: 10/6 1700-1900 Next Meeting Time: 10/7 1630
General Announcements
- Devin
- Happy we’re happy having our first GA – style meeting.
- Occupy Wall Street Journal is aware of the permabank.cc
- Drew
- New multi-user wordpress will be unvealed tonight to Drew and 2 others.
- Nick
- He’s pitching permabank.cc to everyone
Team Reports
- None
- Discussion: LDAP integration
- Proposal: Project to setup and evaluate LDAP and publish recommendations. [Passed]
- Discussion: The role of FLOearth
- Proposal: Directory of platforms requests and offers
- Passed:
- Discussion: “Replacing Money” and alternative currency exchange
- Discussion: Collaborative documents and platforms
- Proposal: Directory of software platforms and technologies being used, developed and/or designed by NYCGA affiliated working groups. [Passed]
- Discussion: Communication with information related to decisionmaking between
- Proposal: Documentation Formatting
- Proposal: PermaBank.cc project team
- Proposal: Directory of platforms requests and offers [PASSED]
- Existing NYCGA.cc website
- Groups
- General Information
- Fliers, etc
- User accounts that need to be maintained and users must be informed
- v2. NYCGA.cc website
- Wordpress multisite with buddypress plug-in
- PermaBank.cc
- Profiles of individuals, clothing size, shoe size, etc
- Post Wants and Offers
- Cross referencing with Working Groups
- Potential Grou.ps
- Out of the box social network
- FLOearth
- Joomla based reference
- BetterMeans
- Tech team uses and loves it
- Existing NYCGA.cc website
- Discussion: LDAP integration
- LDAP is an implementation for user role management so all the groups could moderate their membership.
- Back end for a directory.
- Lay it down before you get big.
- [Want] LDAP Expert
- Proposal: Project to setup and evaluate LDAP and publish recommendations. [Passed]
- Project Tasks
- Implement LDAP – Nick and Chris
- Directory of software platforms, domains and hardware resources being used, developed and/or designed by NYCGA affiliated working groups. [Passed]
- Description of Purpose
- Functionality
- Scalability
- Security
- Liscensing
- Compatibility
- Support
- Open to adding more
- Role of FLOearth
- Recommendation: Evaluate FLOearth.org
- Proposal: Demo of FLOearth.org at next meeting
- Proposal: Evaluation of similar and useful initiatives
- PermaBank.cc
- PermaBank uses collection of Drupal modules from CommunityForge who is responsive to our needs.
- Working with Sage to create user interface
- Coordinating with Colin from outreach for skill documentation/volunteer intake
- [Want] outreach to other alternative currency groups and protocols
- People have wishlists and focus on waste elimination information
Next Agenda Items
- Facebook and Diaspora
- FLOEarth Demonastration