Making an Open Collaborative Design System
- Book: Share and Collaborate. Making an Open Collaborative Design System. By Miae Kim.
"Human culture is the result of collaboration with all generations in the world. It means that human culture has developed with the way that someone’s work in the past has evolved into better one by putting other’s work first. The new changes have happened in this type of cultural process after internet technology has amazingly developed for the last two decades therefore the constraints for time and space have become less than in the past. In addition, it has been made possible for users to exchange information and re-create them in various ways on the web and it can be said that we are getting more opportunities from this environment as the barrier of accessing data has been lowed with the web. As Linux has surprisingly been developing through source code of Linux was opened in public on the web and users were able to use and participate in making progress with modifying bugs of the code, this open software movement has become a good example to us in Web 2.0. Besides many executions of these movements in other fields, such as music, movie, and science have been progressing in based on the successful infrastructure of open software movement. Nowadays, people with common goals gather their ideas better, faster, and more effectively than in the past through the internet and this phenomenon is called Crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing is one of the big characteristic of web 2.0 and is giving lots of good case. But this series of movements in the physical design are relatively insufficient, this is the reason why I choose this topic for my papers. Therefore I will research a community and, a platform environment for physical design prior to trying to build a virtual platform and then suggest a proper platform model for physical design. This papers are divided into 5 sections. In 1st and 2nd part includes introduction, background and description of open source. Part 3 explains about open collaborative design model based on activity theory. Lastly in part 4, shows how collaboration is achieved in collaborative design platform through simulation."
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- Slideshare presentation: