Liam Murphy

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"Liam Murphy has worked professionally in the cultural sector since 1998. He has experience of working as an artist and writer and also of running a professional company servicing artists production and exhibition needs. He has been involved in arts development work and in 2014, established Gallery133 to service the needs of a publicly financed gallery and studio project in Great Yarmouth, where he ran a programme of arts events and contributed to the renewal of the town’s cultural strategy whilst formulating the initial ideas for CultureBanking®. Since then, he has been carrying out research and developing CultureBanking®, both independently and with partners such as Voluntary Arts, Kendraio and the P2P Foundation and for funded projects including the Calouste Gulbenkian ‘Enquiry Into The Civic Role of Arts Organisations’, where he conducted a Location Study of Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft. He maintains a range of online 'curated content’ and contributes to the wider network of commons oriented peer production and has also published several articles about the potential of sharing intellectual property including: “CultureBanked? Blockchain and Distributed Systems; New Possibilities In The Cultural Sector” in 2017. Currently, Liam is writing a book entitled: “Share’."


"Liam Murphy is a social entrepreneur who has worked variously as a Tree Surgeon, Bookseller, Picture Framer, Teacher, Artist and Writer while raising his two kids in Norwich, England.

In 2014, out of the success of a framing and exhibitions business Liam built up working for artists, he was invited to run a publicly commissioned Contemporary Art Gallery in Great Yarmouth. Doing this, for the next 14 months, Liam is still involved closely with arts and culture in the area and the gallery continues to run successfully, but it was the intentions of the project - to stimulate regeneration and economic growth through arts and culture in a struggling town, that motivates his ongoing interests and intentions..

As well as being a writer and blogger (he’s written two as yet un-published novels and a collection of non fiction and poetry) Liam is currently carrying out research and developing self generated projects including games design, cultural planning workshops and chairing a local What Next? Chapter as well as conducting paid research into the Civic Role of Arts Organisations on behalf of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. He also sits on the pilot Cultural Education Partnership group 'EnjoyGY'.

In 1998, Liam was writing about about ‘Gift Economies’; an idea which he has been re-visiting, alongside emerging interests in the sharing or circular economy and technological innovations like ‘Blockchain’ or ‘Distributed Ledgers’.

His ongoing project is to develop this concept which he calls: ‘CultureBanking’ - a new way of using art and culture to generate common capital investment. He graduated with a first class honours MA in Creative Entrepreneurship UEA in 2017 and is currently fundraising and co-designing aspects of CultureBanking® including a Kitemark or Charter (CultureBanked®), a proof of concept platform for sharing works commercially (CultureBanking®) and common funds (CultureBanks®) in collaboration with social investors and credit unions."

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