Learning Communities

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URL = http://www.ericdigests.org/2000-1/learning.html



"The origin of learning communities dates back to 1927 when Alexander Meiklejohn formed the two-year Experimental College at the University of Wisconsin. Students and faculty read and discussed classic Greek literature the first year and compared it to the contemporary American literature in the second-year. Students were required to connect these ideas and write a paper during the summer between the first and second years. Although this first attempt at a learning community was short-lived--only six years--it provided the foundation for the learning communities we know today.

Although learning communities in their basic form have existed in one form or another for over seventy years, their recent resurgence has expanded to include many different models. Learning communities intentionally restructure the curriculum to connect students and faculty in common courses, often including seminars or a peer advising component. According to Gabelnick, MacGregor, Matthews, & Smith (1990, p. 19), "A learning community is any one of a variety of curricular structures that link together several existing courses--or actually restructure the curricular material entirely--so that students have opportunities for deeper understanding and integration of the material they are learning, and more interaction with one another and their teachers as fellow participants in the learning enterprise."

Learning communities help students link their academic work with active and increased intellectual interaction with each other and with faculty. Learning communities also promote coherence among students and create a sense of common purpose and community. Alexander Astin (1985, p. 161) in Schroeder & Mable (1994, p. 167) defines learning communities as "small subgroups of students. . .characterized by a common sense of purpose. . .that can be used to build a sense of group identity, cohesiveness, and uniqueness that encourage continuity and the integration of diverse curricular and co-curricular experiences." (http://www.ericdigests.org/2000-1/learning.html)


Currently, there are five major learning community models in existence. Many institutions find that choosing a single model is not as beneficial as using bits and pieces from two or three models. Each institution has its own mission and can design the learning communities that best fit that mission.

"Linked Courses"

- This model links a cohort of students with two common courses. One course is typically content-based (science, math) and the other is an application course (writing, speech). The faculty of each course may teach independently or together and coordinate syllabi and assignments so that the classes compliment each other. The Linked Courses Model provides a shared experience for students that focuses on a content-based course that is actively supported by a skills course.

Ex: The University of Washington has a nationally recognized Interdisciplinary Writing Program

"Learning Clusters"

The Learning Cluster Model is similar to the Linked Course Model except that instead of linking two courses together, three or four courses are linked with one cohort, often serving as the students' entire course load. However, in Learning Clusters, the courses are usually based on a theme, historical periods, issues, or problems. The degree to which the three or four faculty work together depends on the institution but can vary from common syllabi, joint assignments to team teaching. Often, Learning Clusters have a seminar component in which the students meet weekly or bi-weekly to discuss class work and shared experiences. Students in Learning Clusters may also have planned social events, field trips, or common readings.

ex: At Western Michigan University, the Honors College Program has at least four Learning Clusters each semester.

"Freshman Interest Groups"

(FIGs) - The Freshman Interest Groups (FIGs) are similar to Linked Courses in that they link three freshmen courses together by theme; this is especially suited for large universities because many FIGs can be offered simultaneously. FIGs are linked around academic majors and include a peer advising component where freshman can discuss course work and problems adjusting to college. Because of the weekly seminars, led by a peer advisor, faculty play a lesser role, but may be active in the FIGs by attending social events or the occasional weekly seminar.

The University of Oregon originated the FIG model out of need for academic advising assistance and building a community among freshmen in each major.

"Federated Learning Communities"

- This model is the most complex Learning Community Model because a cohort of students takes three theme-based courses in addition to a three credit seminar taught by a Master Learner. The Master Learner is a professor from a different discipline who takes the courses and fulfills all the requirements of the classes along with the students. He or she then leads the seminar and assists students in synthesizing and exploring the opinions and points of view of students from the three courses. Faculty in Federated Learning Communities are relieved of their other teaching responsibilities.

SUNY at Stony Brook has a Federated Learning Community for upper level students majoring in psychology or biology

Coordinated Studies

- In Coordinated Studies, faculty and students participate in full-time active learning based on an interdisciplinary theme. This curriculum can last an entire year and the faculty have the opportunity to redesign the entire curriculum, providing extensive professional development for faculty. Coordinated Studies provide 16 credits per semester and are team taught by several faculty members in set blocks each week. These Learning Communities are thematic and can be broad or narrow in scope. This model is most closely tied to the Meiklejohn Model.

Evergreen State College uses the Coordinated Studies Model." (http://www.ericdigests.org/2000-1/learning.html)