Marcin Jakubowski

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"Marcin was born in Poland. At the age of ten, during the martial law period of Poland, he left for America. His interests from early on were in application of knowledge to providing quality of life for all. He pursued a degree in Chemistry, and graduated with Honors from Princeton University in 1995. He continued on to a Ph.D. in physics, from U. Wisconsin, Madison, in the field of Fusion Energy. He found both experiences lacking in terms of practical application to addressing pressing world issues. With this quest in mind, formulated the Open Source Ecology concept in 2003. Since then, he has been engaged full time in the development of open source technology. His is presently part of a practical social experiment for creating the world's first, replicable, post-industrial village, with a living laboratory at Factor e Farm. His main interest is evolving to freedom, and making such an option practical for anyone interested in a better world." (

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