Interactive Degradative and Sustainable Patterns in World History
* Article: Whitaker, Mark. D. 2020. “Chapter 1: Introduction,” in Trialectics, or a Green Theory of History. Manuscript. Quote as draft. Mark Whitaker.
Contextual Quote
"The ends of civilizations are crime scenes instead of natural, and like a crime scene you should investigate why it happened to understand and to prepare for the future against similar issues you can learn about. Are there perpetrators that keep killing civilizations, and keep getting away with it? Do they have patterns by which we can recognize their modus operandi? Are there other heroes that keep attempting to save civilizations, and sometimes are successful in rescuing them? Do they have patterns which we can recognize and learn from as well, perhaps even to improve upon their attempt to avoid the suffering outcomes? What can we learn from both?"
- Mark Douglas Whitaker
Full title
- Trialectics, or a Green Theory of History; Interactive Degradative and Sustainable Patterns in World History/ How to Research Plural Intercompetitive Jurisdictions in Space and Strategy in an Open Present, and from This, What We Can Learn About Our Past and Our Future Trends: How and Why Civilizations Shift in Jurisdictional Transformations; A Study Based on 3,000 Years of the Comparative History of China, Japan, and Europe. By Mark D. Whitaker
The parts on Trialectics, starting at chapter 6:
- On Trialectical Trends: Principles, Patterns, Choices, and Outcomes;
- Why Unrepresentative Choices Yield Trialectical Dynamics in a Sociology of Plural Jurisdictions Regularly in a Feudalization Process;
- Why Representative Choices Demote Trialectical Dynamics Regularly to an Affirmatization Process
- How to Attempt to Assemble Jurisdictions from the Same Delimited External Tactical Shared Behaviors Regarding Them (While Attempting to Repress Other Alternatives)
- On Trialectical Processes:
- How the Feudalization Process Meets the Affirmatization Process in Open Trialectical History:
- Privatization, a Lack of Representation, Repression, Opaqueness, and the Cause of Environmental Degradation in Past and Present Meet Democracy, Transparency and Sustainability in Past and Present;
- Both Chosen Trends and Processes Meet Each Other in the Open Past, Present, and Future in the Same Cases;
- [subtitle as]: Why There is Environmental Degradation;
- the Comparative Environmental History of the Sociology of Jurisdictional Change Reveals Both Choices and Regularities (So Far) in Jurisdictional Trends and Jurisdictional Processes and How They Affect Degradation or Sustainability;
- Much of Past and Present History So Far is the Ongoing Choice of an Unrepresentative Jurisdictional Hegemony Which Yields an Environmentally Degradative Trialectical Trend and Process, with only Interims of Partially Successful, Weak, Affirmative Trends and Processes of More Representative and More Sustainable Trends
7.1 Overview of Our Choices in Jurisdictional Trends and Processes in History
7.2 Ten Points About the Ongoing Re-Chosen Origins of Trialectics:
- Its Regular Origins, Its Regular Decline in Growing Environmental Degradation and Economic Consolidation that Unrepresentative Choices of Jurisdictions Facilitate;
- a Regular Growing Political/Cultural Repression Attempting to Maintain Itself Leading into Divided Elites and Growing Pressures from Below for Greater Representation and Sustainability for Other Plural and More Regionally Representative Developmental and Cultural Paths;
- and, How Choices of Unrepresentative Jurisdictions of Trialectical Dynamics Regularly and Tragically Return, So Far, to Repeat the Above at Ever Larger Ongoing Unrepresentative Jurisdictional Scales in World History So Far
7.3 A Description of the Trialectical Process and the Affirmative Process
- 7.3.2 Four Other Regular Phenomena in Trialectical Trends and Processes:
7.4 Summary of Knowledge from Deep Comparative Historical Case Analysis; an Ongoing Regular Ecological Revolutionary Process as the Driver of World History So Far
7.5 Trialectics as it Feels ‘from the Inside’: Three Stages in an Expanding Jurisdictional Process of Institutionalized Environmental Degradation Interacting with Its Growing Opposition in Amelioration Pressures; Historical Case Notes and Comparisons
- The Ongoing Unpredictable Interactions of Unrepresentative Degradative Jurisdictional Trends versus Representative Sustainable Jurisdictional Trends, in the Same Cases; Past and Present as the Same;
- Future Open to Ongoing Ignorant Choices or Better Knowledgeable Choices
8.1 Eight Themes of a Green Theory of History
- Conclusion: On Praxis: The Only Remaining Better Choice for the Future is Toward Better Jurisdictional Parity and Choice in All Venues Which Yields Stronger Pressures for Greater Representative Jurisdictions and Sustainability, and Which Weakens the Repressive Clinetelism and Guided Choices Responsible for Unrepresentative Jurisdictions and Environmental Degradation
- Next, Appendix 1: A sociology of jurisdictions or trialectics is distinct from seven other main economic and social science perspectives:
- Next Appendix 2: Standing on the Shoulders (and Toes) of Giants: blames for environmental degradation is Now Part of a Wider Debate Among at Least 12 Ways to Frame Environmental Problem Solving; A sociology of jurisdictions or trialectics has a 'green theory of history' distinct from 11 Other Blames for Environmental Degradation (though drawing on several (noted with asterisks*):
- Appendix 3 One: Five Ways People Have Used the Term Trialectics, Four of Five Which Are Unconnected to the Current Use Here
- Appendix 4 Two: A Short History of the ‘Big Six’ Sociologists as Inter-Competitive Jurisdictional Acculturation Movements Themselves
- Appendix 5 Three: Eleven Differences between the Four Positions of Jurisdiction and Michael Mann’s Four Sites of Social Power
- Appendix 6 Four: On Unpredictably Shifting Aggregate Unalignment and Alignment Merged in Daily Life
- Appendix 7: Twelve Theses Contra Marx (and Smith): Their Shallow Materialism Versus a Better Materialist Analysis