Hybrid Banking

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= banking systems which allow payment not just in money but through time, waste and energy exchange


"Hybrid Banking makes it possible on the basis of different types of units of value to conduct transactions with each other, whereby these units of value can also be mutually exchanged. The project Hybrid Banking (HB), established by the Nijmegen School of Management, we are trying to figure out how that could work. A scientific attempt to think outside the conventional system and the corresponding alternative paths. The term "hybrid" stands for the mixing of disparate elements. In Hybrid Banking, this means that you have several options for a goal - a transaction - to achieve, letting existence of these different options together and integrated."

More Information

More info in this dutch-language article http://www.duurzaamplus.nl/financiering/hybride-bankieren-maakt-einde-aan-geld-als-exclusief-transactiemiddel/