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* Book: Heidegger. Par Jean-Marc Salanskis. Les Belles Lettres, 1997

URL = https://www.lesbelleslettres.com/livre/780-heidegger


Michel Bauwens, 2004:

This is a very short note on Heidegger's importance based on the last chapter.

The book itself is a very short introductory book explaining the basics of the thought and importance of Heidegger.

The last chapter outlines his lasting influence. The author notes,

- The importance of Heidegger's critique of technology

- The importance of his 'hermeneutical' interpretation of Husserl's phenomenology, which led to the new hermeneutical philosophy of his pupils Hans Gadamer ("Verite et Methode") and Paul Ricoeur, both part of a wider movement of anti-foundationalism ("there are no fixed truths foundations, the world is interpretation)

- Heidegger's history of philosophy with his interpretations of other philosophers are central to his own work, while he also rereads them according to his own concepts. This has led to a whole tradition of re-reading the classics, where the onus is on 'new interpretations'.