Guido Smorto
"I am law professor at University of Palermo (Italy), where I teach Comparative law and Economic analysis of law; Faculty Affiliate at Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) - Open University of Catalonia, where I am part of the research team on Digital commons (Dimmons); and member of the Scientific Committee of LabGov (Laboratory for the Governance of the Commons).
My latest works focus on collaborative economy, p2p market regulation and commons-based peer production. Beside scholarly works, in this last year I published a Report on behalf of EU Commission and a Paper for the EU Parliament is also forthcoming. Further, I am working on the draft Resolution on the Collaborative economy by the European Parliament.
My current researches are mainly focused on the regulation of p2p markets in the European Single Market and on the impact of the collaborative economy on urban environment. My last article on “The Sharing Economy as a Means to Urban Commons” (7 Comparative Law Review 1 (2016))."
2. Here is my cut & paste bio:
Guido Smorto is Full Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in Comparative Law at the University of Palermo, and Faculty Affiliate at Open University of Catalunya. As International Visiting Professor he taught in U.S.A. (Fordham School of Law - academic years 2010/11, 2012/13, 2013/14) and Japan (Nagoya University Graduate School of Law - 2014), and was invited as “Professore Visitante” in Brasile (Università Oeste de Santa Catarina - 2012). He holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Law from the University of Florence and has been Visiting Scholar at Yale Law School. He is also a qualified lawyer, Member of the Italian State Bar and a former officer of Banca d’Italia (Italian Central Bank). His latest scholarly works focus mainly on sharing and collaborative economy and commons-based peer production."