Free Code Map Apps

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In active development

Name Supported OS Can be used offline Map data source(s) License Notes
GMapCatcher GNU/Linux, MacOS, Windows Yes CloudMade, OpenStreetMap, Yahoo Maps, Bing Maps, Nokia Maps GNU GPLv2
Mapeo GNU/Linux, MacOS, Windows (Android in development) Yes OpenStreetMap GNU GPLv3 Android, iOS Yes OpenStreetMap Apache 2.0
Marble GNU/Linux, MacOS, Windows, Android ? OpenStreetMap GNU GPLv2 Built around the Marble library (license: GNU LGPL 2.1), to get directions while offline requires a plugin
modRana Sailfish, Maemo5, Android 4.0+, MeeGo Harmattan, GNU/Linux (packaged for Fedora) Yes, with OSM Scout Server ? GNU GPLv3 forked from Rana
Navit Android, iOS, Windows, MacOS, Linux Yes OpenStreetMap GPLv2 some modules under LGPLv2
OpenMultiMaps Android ? GNU GPLv3
OpenTopoMap Viewer Android No OpenTopoMap Apache 2.0
OSMand+ Android, iOS OpenStreetMap Yes GNU GPLv3 source repository contains non-free artwork licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0, removed from F-Droid version
OSM Scout Server developed for use with Sailfish yes OpenStreetMap GNU GPLv3 local map server allowing ordinary map apps to be used offline, known to work with: Pure Maps, WhoGo Maps, Poor Maps, modRana
PocketMaps Android Yes Expat/ MIT
Pure Maps Sailfish, GNU/Linux (desktop and mobile) Yes (with OSM Scout Server) OSM Scout Server, HSL, Sputnik, Photon (also Mapbox and others with API key) GNU GPLv3 forked from WhoGo Maps
QMapShack MacOS, Windows Yes ? GNU GPLv3 (or later, according to wiki) active fork of QLandkarte


Name Supported OS Can be used offline Map data source(s) License Notes
MapEver Android Yes ? GNU GPLv3
Poor Maps Sailfish Yes, with OSM Scout Server OpenStreetMap GNU GPLv3
WhoGo Maps Sailfish Yes, with OSM Scout Server OpenStreetMap GNU GPLv3 forked from Poor Maps

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