Four Solutions to the Contemporary Social Crisis
Yann Moulier-Boutang:
(Source unknown)
1. Classic Liberal: tax credit or negative tax credit for the poorest families. Rationale: in a market exchange context, 'rigidities' of labor such as the minimum wage or job protection, are to be abandoned.
2. Classic Left: higher minimum wage, work time reduction, stringent labor legislation; in the context of a promise for full employment
3. Upgrading of all social minima.
What's the critique of these solutions ?
The liberal solution puts the minimal allowance very low, and at a very high social price.
The second solution is predicated on full employment and totally ignores current trends undermining the constitution of a salaried workforce.
The third solution is more moderate and realistic, and hence applied most often. However, it is still tied to the salaried condition.
This is why the following fourth solution is of interest:
4. The basic income.
Why, because it is the only one that creates a disconnect with the salaried condition.
(to be continued, 'black' reading diary, August 4 entry)
Characteristics of the Basic Income
Yann-Moulier Boutang:
1) its individual character (not linked to family situation)
2) inconditionality (nothing asked in return)
3) cumulative character (added to other revenues)
4) liquid (i.e. as disbursed as cash)
5) cannot be impounded
6) high level, four-fifth's of minimum wage
7) substituted for other aids with some exceptions, f.e. illness and handicaps
8) financed through redistribution