Emergency 2.0 Wiki

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= a free global resource for using social media and new technology in emergencies

URL = http://emergency20wiki.org/


• "The Wiki serves a global hub for emergency agencies, government, community agencies and NGOs, business, education, health, media and the public to use social media to better prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies.

• The vision of the Wiki is to help build resilient communities empowered with the knowledge to use social media and networks in emergencies.

• Information provided includes tips, guides, apps, mapping tools, videos and an international directory of social media contacts for emergency services, NGOs and volunteer agencies.

• Practical guidelines, policies and procedures and case studies assist the emergency sector, government, NGO sector and business to use social networks, crowdsourcing and crisis mapping for emergency management and business continuity planning.

An accessibility toolkit provides tips, resources and apps to assist people with a disability to overcome the accessibility challenges of social media. The kit also includes guidelines for emergency agencies and government." (http://emergency20wiki.org/background)