Elizabeth Peredo Beltrán
In English
Director of the Solon Foundation, a recognized institution in Bolivia for its work on human rights, integration and culture. She recently compiled the writings from water activists around the world in the groundbreaking work entitled, The Human Right to Water and Sanitation: Victory and Challenges for the Peoples of the World. Elizabeth has authored numerous publications including books, various reports, articles and videos about social, economic and cultural rights and as water and gender activist took part in international campaigns linked to the World Social Forum. Between 1999 and 2003 was the National Coordinator of the Solidarity Committee on Domestic Workers Rights in Bolivia promoting the approval of a specific law to protect their rights. Since 2006 coordinates the “Blue October” Campaign in Bolivia, a big social yearly mobilization for the right to Water as a common good and human right. She is a Board Member of Food and Water Watch in the USA. belongs the Women’s Net Transforming the Economy in Latin America and is part of the LA Committee for an International Tribunal on Climate Justice.
In Spanish
Psicóloga Social, investigadora y activista boliviana. Enfoca su trabajo en los derechos de las mujeres, el medio ambiente, la economía y la cultura. Es cofundadora del Taller de Historia y Participación de la Mujer, coordinó el Comité Impulsor de los derechos de las trabajadoras del hogar y desarrollo investigaciones y acciones sobre el racismo y el colonialismo interno y por una Ley para el Trabajo Asalariado del Hogar, aprobada en 2003. Desde el año 2000 se involucró en el activismo por el agua y la justicia económica. Coordina la Campaña Octubre Azul en Bolivia, una movilización nacional por el agua como bien común no mercantil, pertenece al Directorio de Food and Water Watch y es parte del Consejo de la Red Internacional por la Justicia en las Inversiones Globales.