ECC2013/Working and Caring Stream/Documentation
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The P2P Foundation wiki collates documentation on the topic of labor here.
Introductory Material
- Peter Waterman: Linking Labour and the Commons Internationally: Re-Interpreting Equality in Terms of the Principle of the Commons
- Recommended books on the contemporary condition of 'work', by Dougald Hine at
- Key articles by Hilary Wainwright:
- From Labour as Commodity to Labour as a Common
- Co-Creative Labor, Productive Democracy and the Partner State; a very important text to reset government policies for the p2p age. The 3 parts cover: 1 A value revolution in labor; 2 Re-constituting industrial strategies based on co-creative labor; 3 The Co-Creative Economy needs a Partner State
- Orsan Senalp's work on Social Network Unionism
- Tom Walker's work on Social Accounting [1] ; i.e. on considering Employment as a Common Pool Resource in order to institute a Labor Commons; NEW (May 14, 2013): Labour Power as a Common Pool Resource; 2013/05/17 The Odd Coupling: Asking the Wrong Questions about “Decoupling” Environmental Impacts from Economic Growth.
- Michel Bauwens: Theses on Digital Labor in an Emerging P2P Economy
- Free and Open Software Applications that are safe and useful for unionists, labour and social justice activists: [2]
- An interview with Silvia Federici on the "reproductive crisis",
Recommended Reading for the Working and Caring Stream from ICC2010
Source: The Wealth of the Commons. A world beyond market and state. Ed. by David Bollier and Silke Helfrich. Commons Strategies Group. Levellers Press, 2012 [3]
- El Buen Vivir and the Commons, A Conversation between Gustavo Soto Santiesteban and Silke Helfrich [4]
- Feminism and the Politics of the Commons, by Silvia Federici [5]