ECC2013/Land and Nature Stream/Documentation

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James Quilligan:

"Our global economic system is now in grave crisis, threatening the entire planet, its institutions and species.

A new kind of common wealth is needed to protect the assets of Earth, resolve our private and public debts, and create a global society of justice, sharing and sustainability for everyone.

Our commons are the collective heritage of humanity — the shared resources of nature and society that we inherit, create and use. People across the world are now rediscovering these common goods and choosing to protect them for future generations.

Whether our commons are traditional (rivers, forests, indigenous cultures) or emerging (solar energy, intellectual property, internet), communities are managing them through unique forms of self-governance, collaboration and collective action. And in working together to preserve these resources, we are generating new standards of responsibility, mutual aid and sustenance for all beings.

Global Commons Trust promotes the creation of trusteeships, where the rights to our commons may be realized for the benefit of all." (

Recommended Reading for the Land and Nature stream

  1. Nature as Commons versus Commodities, book: Nature for sale. Commons versus Commodities. by giovanna ricoveri. Pluto, 2012: "Nature for Sale uncovers the rich heritage of common ownership which existed before the dominance of capitalist property relations. Giovanna Ricoveri argues that the subsistence commons of the past can be reinvented today to provide an alternative to the current destructive economic orde
  2. On the Water Commons: Blue Gold: The Fight to Stop Corporate Theft of the World’s Water. By Maude Barlow.the Water Commons

Essays from the Wealth of the Commons anthology

Source: The Wealth of the Commons. A world beyond market and state. Ed. by David Bollier and Silke Helfrich. Commons Strategies Group. Levellers Press, 2012 [1]

  • Resilience Thinking, by Rob Hopkins [2]
  • The Economy of Wastefulness: The Biology of the Commons, by Andreas Weber [3]
  • Subsistence: Perspective for a Society Based on Commons, by Veronika Bennholdt-Thomsen [4]
  • The Global Land Grab: The New Enclosures, by Liz Alden Wily [5]
  • Genetically Engineered Promises & Farming Realities, by P.V. Satheesh [6]
  • Water as a Commons: Only Fundamental Change Can Save Us, by Maude Barlow [7]
  • A New German Raw Materials Strategy: A Modern Enclosure of the Commons?, by Lili Fuhr [8]
  • Using “Protected Natural Areas” to Appropriate the Commons, by Ana de Ita [9]
  • Community Based Forest and Livelihood Management in Nepal, by Shrikrishna Upadhyay [10]
  • The Atmosphere as a Global Commons, by Ottmar Edenhofer, Christian Flachsland and Bernhard Lorentz [11]

Directory of Land and Nature Commons

  1. Atmosphere Commons ; Atmospheric Commons
  2. Energy Commons ; Energy from the Perspective of the Commons
  3. Environmental Commons
  4. Food Commons ; Food as Common and Community
  5. Hunting Commons
  6. Infrastructure Commons; see also: Developing the Meta Services for the Eco-Social Economy
  7. Land as Commons
  8. Marine Commons
  9. Microbial Commons
  10. Petroleum Commons
  11. Solar Commons
  12. Water Commons