Damanhur Inside Out

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= "brings you information on the reality of life inside this world famous esoteric group from former Damanhurians who have spent decades inside the Community".

URL = http://damanhurinsideout.wordpress.com/


‘Damanhur Inside Out’ brings you information on the reality of life inside this world famous esoteric group from former Damanhurians who have spent decades inside the Community. The majority of the posts have been translated from two important websites: the first, that of the Italian scientific magazine ’Focus’ www.focus.it which, in 2007 ran an article naming Damanhur as one of the most prominent ‘psicosetta’ (mind control cults) in Italy and the second, www.cesap.net the site of Italy’s Center for the Study of Psychological Abuse.

Recent articles on Damanhur by the Italian press have also been added with accompanying translations.

This material has not been made available to the English speaking world before. We publish it here to give everyone with an interest in Damanhur the opportunity to understand some of the life threatening mechanisms operating inside the Community." (http://damanhurinsideout.wordpress.com/about/)

Some critical articles: