Crowdsourced Design Management Platforms
"Veeel is taking a different tack by closely managing the process from beginning to end.
Also based in Amsterdam, Veeel works with a pool of some 1,000 freelance designers to offer product development services for a variety of brands and corporations. Designers are classified into four categories, ranging from junior to specialist. And rather than simply offering a platform enabling clients to tap those crowds, the company itself plays a key role in the process. It explains: “We work together with our clients during all project phases. We present every step of progress during the whole process and implement input and know-how of internal production and marketing departments, making the product innovation a joint effort. Veeel selects the best experts and specialists for the benefit of the project and by doing so, a creative, efficient process is guaranteed, including the best result in the end.”
Guaranteed results tend to come as music to most clients’ ears, and Philips, Unilever and PWC are all among those that have already benefited." (