Commons Transition Plan for Amsterdam

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= "Towards a fully-fledged and widely supported Commons Transition Plan for Amsterdam".

URL = draft


Commons Network et al.:

"The coming years will be tough for the city. The rapidly approaching economic recession will be felt by everyone. In addition to the human suffering it has caused, this crisis has also shown that the neoliberal system of large multinationals, cheap labour and even cheaper products, speculation and profit-seeking is definitively bankrupt.

What this crisis also makes clear is that the basic economic networks in the neighbourhoods are resilient. Even without money from The Hague, neighbours take care of each other. Even without flashy ‘economic’ successes, an alternative, value-driven solidarity economy between people is flourishing. In this period of reconstruction, we must strengthen this alternative society. It is crucial that in the coming years we build a basic social economy, local and sustainable alternatives, new and local democratic processes.

In short, we must make the commons flourish again. The time is ripe, not only because the crisis is more or less forcing us, but also because the current political wind is in our backs, at least here in Amsterdam. This city, with this college, can become a commons city with a leading role in Europe.

That’s why Commons Network is working with countless commons thinkers and commons-doers on a transition plan for the city. The goal: a fully-fledged Commons Transition Plan, broadly supported by doers and thinkers from the commons movement, supported by experts from other domains, a plan that can be used by civil servants and political parties, by active residents and citizens’ collectives, as well as by international analysts and journalists." (


"The first steps towards a Commons Transition Plan have already been taken. In recent years, commoners have already come together in local assemblies, in platforms such as De Meent, in solidarity networks such as Commoning Meta and in practice labs such as CommonsLab. Over the past year, Commons Network, the Amsterdam commons think tank that is taking the lead in this process, has worked on exploratory texts that together form a situation sketch, the basis of the Transition Plan. The process, we propose, is as follows: Step 1: Input from Commoners and Knowledge Networks; Step 2: Consultation of Experts and Officials; Step 3: Development to the neighbourhood and abroad; Step 4: Presentation."