Commodities Sorted by Regional Ecology
= Commodities Sorted by Regional Ecology, a Mobile Data Analysis Tool, a project by Mark Whitaker, in South Korea
"This mobile-accessible data tool will be designed so that data on resource production and consumption is auto-sorted into multiple categories, with emphasis on sorting into 867 ecological regions of the world.
Four key features of this are as follows:
1) The database uses a "commodity wheel" tool, so that users can quickly and easily visualize the list of all basic resources produced and consumed in a region. By clicking on individual commodities of interest, users can drill down to view more detailed data on each category of resources, such as who the producers are, demographics of local consumers, economic statistics on the current production and consumption footprint, and recent news of interest to regional stakeholders.
2) Data is default sorted to ecological regions because data is usually sorted by nations. The purpose of changing this data perspective is to emphasize the planetary impact of production and consumption by ecological regions, which have more direct linkage to the natural environment than political regions do, and therefore make for better categories for deeply analyzing "circular economy".
3) The data is on an open design so that any user could add to or access the data set. By making the platform open, users can create extensions and modifications that go beyond the original template designed by the authors.
4) The platform's ecoregional focus and open design was intended to become such an important perspective on global ecology that it becomes a standard part of policymaking on circular economy in the future. If major organization like the UN can find value in this data format, it could help reshape how users account for, and evaluate, circular economy throughout the policy world."